
I need help increasing my 100 time. I run an 11.7 and state is in about a month?

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I need help increasing my 100 time. I run an 11.7 and state is in about a month?




  1. Are you a boy or a girl? If you're a girl, a 11.7 is fast, thats the state record where i live. But try squat jumps, knee tucks, and bridges to get your legs stronger

  2. Run with a weight sled or a parachute.

    try to avoid weight lifting, it will slow down your run time -- just trust me on this one, I know first hand on this one--

  3. I have been running for 8 years now and would recommend the following:

    I would strengthen the core: calves, quads, hams, back and abdominal (the "six pack" muscles along with the obleks), chest and arms. But when strengthening these muscles, I would focus more on the muscle bulk and strength not the muscle endurance. For more advice for this, I would consult with a personal trainer. For the running part, I would stay flexible as it helps/contributes to your balance (so do the muscles in your core) but also helps prevent some injuries like pulled muscles and shin splints. Also, I would try to make up a schedule where you can run for X amount of days and try to have X amount of runs. And in most cases, you must increase the muscle tolerance to see some sort of improvement. Make sure you have the following: a good diet, hydration, sleep, a good sense on how to take care of your body, and sleep. Good Luck!!!

  4. try weights?

  5. Do squates and try to run on stilts to make you run faster.

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