
I need help interpreting my dream?

by  |  earlier

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i dont remember much of my dream but i do remember that it was near my execution time and i went into hitlers office and there he asked me to sit on an electrical chair and i screamed and begged and pleaded and he said ok, ill throw rocks at your head instead and i still begged and peaded and he pulled out a gn and said then we will do it this way and i screamed and said no do tha rocks and he started throwing rocks at my head....that was really near the end of the dream right before i woke up.

in real not jewish and i didnt think i was scared of death at all until now.

ive heard that if you die in your dream, you die in real life so is that why i woke up so early? and when i did wake up i had a really bad head ache and i threw up twice. why did that happen?

please help very confused!!




  1. First off, you don't die in real life if you die in a dream. I've died several times in dreams and it can be scary, but usually I just dream that my consciousness goes on, perhaps I can see my body and hear the people around it. Most of the time we do wake up before we die because the dream causes a rush of adrenaline which wakes us up.

    Death, symbolically, has to do with transformation. It can be taken literally as well. Usually we do not consider seriously our own death until we grow older or are confronted with the death of someone else.

    You may feel that you are being forced to make a change by someone else. You may have begun to contemplate your own mortality (which is good and can lead to you living a more compassionate, full and authentic life).

    Concerning your headache, we often integrate real sensations into our dreams, creating the dream around the sensation. Perhaps you were getting sick and you dreamed about something that would make your head hurt because it was already hurting. Vomiting can be either a result of an infection or can be induced by emotional stress (as in the thought that someone is trying to murder you).

    Dreams are caused generally by neuronal activity that is related to memory formation. They are normal and we have many each night. We don't usually remember them unless we are awakened during the dream. If we continue to sleep for any length of time after the dream has ended, we can't recall it when we wake up. Even when we do wake up in the middle of a dream and remember it, we often can't remember it all because our dreams can be so random that the waking mind can't make sense of it to even begin to categorize and remember it. It just turns into gibberish and our brain discards it.

    Don't worry about your dream. If you continue to have headaches and vomiting that lasts for more than a few days, or that reoccurs regularly, see a doctor and ask for an MRI and CAT scan. You could have a brain tumor. If you have severe vomiting that causes dehydration you may need to be hospitalized or you can die. This is common in bad cases of food poisoning.

    I would take the waking symptoms seriously. The dream was your brain trying to make up a story that explained what your sleeping body was feeling.

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