
I need help.. is this depression?

by  |  earlier

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i think i have an eating disorder and my family have found stuff that suggests i do to, im rarely allowed out on my own (even before the ed), i usually help my mom around the house but she doesnt want me doing that anymore and im finding it difficult giving up because i get so bored, i have nothing, no school, no friends.. nothing, i dont get along with my siblings.. ive tried to tell them but... they really just dont understand, its embarrassing admitting all this but i think i need help. theyre not really supportive. if i wasnt so scared i think id kill myself. i feel strange writing that.. life just never picks up. ive tried eating more it just makes me feel worse, and my period still hasnt come back. i exist, im sure of it. theres more i could write but my head is clouded.




  1. You most certainly exist,have you any hobbies?or something in mind you would like to do?Explain to your family that you need something in your life to fill that void.Don't ever feel embarrassed about your feelings,we all have feelings & need to express them.I just noticed that it was recommended that you read The Secret.By yourself the book,I keep it by my bed & flick through each night even though I have read it twice,it is such a great self help book.

  2. I don't know how to put this into words..

    Do you honestly think you're fat?

    If your periods aren't coming, don't you think this means you need to eat food?

    *sigh* Life can be so messed up, can't it? Things are never the way you want head is clouded too, I have so much to say...

    Look, don't ever consider hurting yourself, because nothing good comes out of it.

    So what's hurting you more? The eating disorder or the lack of support?

    Get back to me and I'll continue.

    Just remember, your family, no matter how they sho it, love you so much, they live you infinitely and irrevocably no matter what you see.

  3. Eating disorders can often cause depression, and vice versa.  You really need to get psychological help.  I know what its like to have an eating disorder, and you can not make it through on your own.  There is a really good support system on that may be able to help you.  Its not as simple as just eating more.  You have to find another behavior to use to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and feelings of loss of control.  A psychologist can help you with that.  I've been reading a book and my favorite quote from it is, "I don't really want to die, but the is not a life."  It may not be a life now, but you can work through it and there is hope.  I first tried committing suicide when i was 13.  I'm 23 now and I still have rough patches, but I never regret living anymore.  

  4. So ive herd before that depression is just anger without enthusiasm ...


    maybe you

    should try to stop

    concentrating on the negative

    things in your life and look forward to

    how you can change things try changing your mindset to a positive one and believe it and you might also want to check out the book

    called The Secret its on dvd too i

    found it on netflix i watched

    several times and


    got into

    it ....wish you all the

    best and let me know

    if u get the book tootles :>

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