
I need help keeping 5 kids under 7 entertained?

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My mom went into labour and to the hospital a little over an hour ago. My 18 year old cousin is here to help me care for them (I am 14) but she isn't much help because of frequent trips to the bathroom (morning sickness). The kids are:




Lillian-15 months


I don't know what to do. Right now I have "Finding Nemo" playing on the TV and they are all watching (besides the twins who are playing with my cousin). What should I do when the movie is over?




  1. um make food for them and then lay them down and read a story idk it works for me but some kids are impatient

  2. Sometimes just watching them playing is enough, you mighten have to actually "do anything" apart from meals, snacks and sleep times.

    But building blocks, reading stories, outside time collecting things, sand pit if you have one.

    Even a tub of water (only fill with a little bit) and some bath toys if the weather is warm can be a great distraction. Getting the older kids to help out with some chores (while very boring) could help your mum lots.

    Good luck, someone will be looking after my kids in about 8 weeks when I have my baby too, lol.

  3. Is it possible to invite one of your friends over to help.This is an incredible amount of responsibility for a kid your age. even for your pregnant cousin.the 5 and 7 year old are old enough to color and play games with.You can ask the older 2 to help you with the little ones. They would probably feel like big shots helping out. the 3 and 15 mos old can't be out of your sight for a minute. try taking them for a walk.use a stroller or a wagon.go into the yard and play with sidewalk chalk or make up a game.Taking kids outside for at least a little while will help .fresh air is good and sometimes it makes the little ones tired.Reading to them is a good idea. Maybe let the 7 year old read to who ever is up to listening. At night giving them a bath will make them relax. Your cousin will need to help because you probably can't do more than 2 at a time, GOOD LUCK YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF YOURSELF.

  4. Turn on some music and dance with them

    give them a snack

    make cookies- they will like to decorate (the young ones might eat the raw cookie dough so be careful if it has eggs in it)

    draw, paint or color

    give them a bath...they will play for an hour:)

  5. get them some colouring pens and colouring books then some paint and paper so they can draw or paint,  

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