
I need help losing weight.?

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i play basketball, so im usually in shape in season, but out of season i dont know what i can do.

im a teenager and in school

so what are some ways that i could shed a few pounds

like what are some good excercising ideas?

and what types of foods should i start eating?




  1. Yep join the gym for a start and aim to go at least 2-3 times a week. Cut out all the takeaway foods you may eat and replace with healthy. Make sure you drink lots of water too instead of soft drink and even juice because that contains so much sugar. Limit treats to once a week instead of everyday. These are just a few of hundreds of ways to lose weight.

  2. "What types of foods should I start eating?" is the question I will deal with.

    You sound like your a physical person so I'm sure you have an appetite to match.  I would recommend that you eat high fiber, low GI (more information on that in the link I've attached) types of food.  That way, you will feel full and satisfied but without the extra calories.

    Funnily enough, some of the nicest and best tasting recipes out there are for diabetics (people seem to concentrate on targeting that proportion of the population - and with good reason) so I would suggest that you search on the internet for some yummy healthy recipes (targeted for diabetics).  I have included an example link below.

    Most of all, have fun!  Eating is meant to be an enjoyable experience!

  3. I am trying to get to 115 lbs. Right now I'm 118 lbs. I am '5''5'. What I'm doing to lose weight is eating healthier. I have salads. When I want chocolate, I have fruits. And I do Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova every once in a while, and walk on the treadmill. For the information, I'm 12 yrs old. And I do this. I look great right now. MUCH SKINNIER. I hope this helps and makes you lose weight. PLEASE do not become anorexic. Its bad. Hope this helps! :D Good Luck!

  4. dont eat but.,............ water and salad for two weeks  will lose

  5. just cause you dont exercise doesnt mean you need to lose weight but why dont you just practice or go to the ymca if you have one

  6. If basketball helps you keep in shape, out of season, play basketball at a park or something.

  7. Cut back on junk food. Eat more fruits and veggies. Drink plenty of water.

  8. ummm eat salad.

    wat skool do u go to.

  9. exersice eat good

    but i usually wiegh more during season

    just make sure ur n shape

  10. Get information on calories and don;t overeat.

  11. change your food and continue sport

  12. im a teen to but im gonna give u some tips eat vegtables like carrots or do carrot juice and drink every morning start waking up early like a like at 6:00am and go outside and start running like do 4 or 6 laps jump rope eat a salad drink a alot of water do things like that

  13. im a muslim and we have a month that we fast in(we dont eat untill the sun goes down)we eat in the morin befor the sun comes up uasully by the end of the month i would have lost 10 kg or more!!!!!!!

    try it for one or 2 days!!!

  14. You should start reading seventeen magazine if you don't already.

    They usually have a section about eating right and staying fit along with good exercising ideas!

    Good luck!

  15. move more eat less.

  16. man do I so recognise your avatar lol...

    then again a lot of avatars are similar heh

    take up a sport where you get to compete with somebody , i.e tennis or 1 vs 1 bastketball or w/e

    anything that gets your heart racing and your body moving around short distances at varying speeds.

    Join a soccer club,  girls soccer is competitive and i'm sure you'd enjoy it.

  17. Every one gets fat every once in a while and then they loose it and then you feel much better Dont worry you will loose it and dont  let it get to you if people say your fat i mean i am kinda heavy to

  18. good sports are good

    and three foods that help actually shed weight are




    its great

    do ab excersiseing too

  19. When its not in season, you could go for a bike ride. And since basketball is usually the winter sport, the weather should be fine. If its raing I would do 20 sit-ups,20-push-ups, and 50 jumping Jacks. But if the weathers great then go on a bike ride or a walk. See if your freinds will go with you.

    Foods you could eat are:

    Anything that are healthy. You and I are still growing and need at least 2000 calories A DAY!

    Eat lots of fruits and veggies, and have like a sadlad of some sort with dinner every night.

    Drink 8 glasses of water every day..

    If you drink a ton of pop cut down on that. But not neccasarily give it up.If you drink like 4 cans a day, cut down to like 1 or 2.


  20. I'd say try to do some jogging or bicycling everyday. That way you keep up your stamina for the next basketball season.

  21. here are some websites that tell you how to lose weight and still eat what you want you will love this just look up the websites that i pasted below

  22. This will kick your butt. Sure to shed weight with this. Good luck.

    Biggest Loser - The Workout: Cardio Mix, The (Full Frame)

  23. well diet and exercise are the main keys..I am working on loosing weight to, so I know it can be hard.  Just remember that one can not go w/ out the other if you want to be healthy and fit. You cant just eat salads, and never may loose a little weight, but you will have no muscle tone..and you'll get flabby. You cant exercise every day, but then scarf down a whole pizza either..that kind of defeats the purpose. So just eat healthy (not just salads) lean meats, whole grain breads instead of white..drink more water, and less soda etc..and work out. There you have it.. now I need to follow my own advice lol!

  24. i would go on nice jogs. It will build your leg strength for running and (This sounds tacky but it helps everyone) If you sit down in your backyard and meditate and do yoga your body will relax which will cause  you to not snack all the time and help you lose weight.

    youtube has good yoga lesson videos

  25. ea 6 small meal a day instead 3. Drink a lot of water. Excersice (preferably run).

  26. try fasting  

  27. great

  28. Go to a gym. Get on a diet.

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