
I need help making friends and for people to accept me for who I'm am !!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a kidney transplant survivor and these kids makes fun of me and Urgent I'm delayed of the medical coditons i have,I cry alot and also I lost my adopted mom she pass away this Easter !!! I miss her alot.I'm the only child and its very hard and people don't understand ,I have trouble making friends because what I through in my child hood.I'm always quiet and I cant be like that ! I Need help Please help me !!! GOD BLESS U




  1. o honey, i would be your friend. i am soooo sorry for all what has happened to u. Just pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance. i was kinda having the same problem but then i joined my church's youth group and i have lots of friends. the next time u go somewhere to meet friends be friendly and act yourself! God bless!  

  2. well first of all congrats on being a survivor!! remember you are a survivor for a reason honey..what i would suggest if you would like to meet new people/friends is to find a hobby..your not going to find any friends by sitting at home and if the kids to pick on you then thats their loss!! im sure your a wonderful person and they will be missing out on it!!

    Try getting involved into some sports..or go skating..something of the sounds of it your pretty young and the last thing you need after your mother passing is for people to judge you..

    just think of them as their loss not yours.

    I hope all goes well.!

  3. man...only if those no life preppy homos knew what you've been through..omgg

  4. First let me start out by saying that I'm so sorry. Next, just know that the people who make fun of you are NOT real friends. I know you've probably heard things like this a million times before, but it's true. I'm speaking from experience. Just be yourself and be natural around people. I'm not saying not to care what people think about you, because that's impossible. Just don't let it get to you too badly. I'm sure you're a wonderful person and once people get to know you, I'm sure they'll love you as a person and as a friend.

  5. kids can be mean,,,I was guilty of that,in your condition you will have to  find someone more will end up being more mature. which is a good quality. forgive the kids someday they will be ashamed of their actions,the ones that are not,who needs them,God bless you

  6. be yurselfbecause thats all that yu can be

    if people don like yu for urself then find someone else

  7. just be urself...dont be someoone else just to fit in cause that will make u more to someone (ie a therpasist or something like that) so tat u get all your feelings out and then just make usually conversation with people and im sure u'll find that u have something in common...then soon after tell them about wat happened to u and ims ure they'll understand...

    hope i helped


  8. just be yourself dude, who the h**l cares of what all those stupid people say. they're just full of bullcrap. they just mistreat  people because they think they are better than them. and no one is perfect. don't worry man, you'll make buddies. it just takes time.

  9. Sometimes friends are the ones you have in your life already and you have not ever thought of them as friends, yet.  May be because they are older or younger and don't fit the stereotypical friends you see in life.

  10. Just try to be more outgoing and smile a lot

    you know they are true friends when they accept you for you

    dont change to meet friends let them come to you

    eventually you will find the right people to hang out with

  11. Sorry to hear that. where do u live ? email me .

  12. look, you can't change people no matter what,

    but you have to learn to ignore them, whenever someone makes

    fun of you justs give him a slight smile that works pretty well for me.

    GooD Luck

  13. stop feeling sorry for yourself

    it might sound harsh but no one wants to be friends with some one who is miserable

    put a smile on and ask people questions about themselves and they will soon warm to you

  14. no no... GOD BLESS U

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