
I need help my assignment is due on friday, how does the system of monarchy work?? Please help me!!?

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I need help my assignment is due on friday, how does the system of monarchy work?? Please help me!!?




  1. Under a benevolent and intelligent monarch, it is probably the best system of government in the world. The problem is, though, that so few monarchs in the world are both intelligent and benevolent. Intelligent monarchs tend to be cruel, at least to those who oppose their rule, and benevolent monarchs tend to be doddering fools. The worst monarch, and ever dynasty has at least one or two or more, is the stupid tyrant. Not only is this ruler cruel, but he doesn't have the advantage of making intelligent decisions.

    The way a monarchy works depends on the monarchy. Very few monarchies, or any type of dictatorships, are true one-man rule. True one-man rule only happens in small countries. A monarch is balanced by nobles and religious authorities, who have the power to sabatoge his decisions. So, the monarch must always take into account potential opposition from powerful people in his realm.

    However, a monarchy is a system of government where a hereditary king, queen, emporer, caesar, czar, duke, prince, earl, whatever you want to call him or her, makes the decisions for the nation state alone. A constitutional monarchy has the king working in some type of tension with an elected body. In some constitutional monarchies, such as Kuwait, the elected body is advisory and the king makes the final decision. In others, such as Britain, the king is a figurehead and the elected body makes all the decisions (the British king/queen does have a veto of Parlementary decisions, but that veto is rarely used).

    By hereditary, rule passes from father/mother to son/daughter upon the death/disposition of the father/mother.

  2. If you want an "A" just right your essay/paper on the premise that Monarchy does NOT work.  I think that would be an insightful and thoughtful premise.  Writing a boring essay, which simply explains the machinery of a monarchy explains nothing...

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