
I need help my cat has a wound

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Theres a male stray cat (we've tried to get rid of it by shooting towards it with a bebe gun but it didnt work) that seems to be beating up on my female cats (who are declawed) about a week ago i found a scab on her stomach. i figured it was just something that had been from a while ago so i ignored it. tonight i found that the wound had reopened and was bleeding so i cleaned it up with water. i found that one of her back claws seemed to be pulled rite out of her paw. Is there a way that i can fix up her wounds myself? is there a way to get rid of the stray cat with OUT killing it?




  1. put some peroxide on the wounds pat it dry and apply a thin layer of neosporin over it every 2 hours or so for the next couple of days  until you are sure that the wound is closed and looks free of infection and call the aspca they will put a trap down to humanely capture the cat and he will probably be adopted out to a home.

  2. letting a declawed cat outside is pretty inhumane. actually, its pretty inhumane to declaw a cat in the first place so cutting off your cat's knuckles and then letting it outside to get attacked by other animals is extremely inhumane. what you can do to get rid of the stray is catch it with a trap - the kind that traps, but doesn't kill! and then take it to the humane society. if you ask the humane society in your area they can probably loan you a trap. put your declawed cats back in the house. their claws are their only mode of defense and they can't even climb trees to escape predators anymore.

  3. why in h**l would you declaw your cats if you let them go outside?? your cats are going to need to defend themselves sometime or other and you really screwed them over.

    no, take him to the vet

    and call animal control or humane society if youre positive its a stray. they can bring the cat with them, ridding you of your problem and providing the stray with shelter and food

  4. I want to know why the h**l you are letting declawed cats outside? They have no defense. Back claws do nothing. Keep your cats indoors from now on. And get that cat to a vet.

    And it is not the stray cat's fault that your cats are getting beat up - IT'S YOURS for letting declawed cats outside in the first place.  

  5. Don't shoot the cat with a bebe gun.  Why don't you not let your cat out, since it doesn't have claws it can't defend for its self.  My advice is to clean the wound and then put some neosporin on it.  And about the sray cat I don't know what you could do, I guess just wait until it leaves on its own.

  6. Your best bet is to take your cat to the vet for antibiotics. Wounds from other cats can easily abscess. I don't usually make too may critical comments on YA but really, your poor, defenseless kitties need to be kept indoors. Forget about trying to run off the stray...keep them IN the house!!

  7. Yes shoot yourself with a bebe gun,see how you like it!

  8. the safest and best thing to do is take it to the vet. trust me i didnt worry enough over my cat and i went to the vets too late.. :*(

    I think there is a special sparay you can get that scares male cats away im not sure. you could pray for her as well. praying never hurt anybody did it?

  9. why do you let a detoed cat out side? she has to use her back claws for defense, but it isnt easy, so she gets hurt.

    get her fixed, and keep her inside.

  10. The stray cat is not your problem, it is you for letting a declawed cat outside. Your cat can not defend her self or get away from another animal if needed. You need to keep your cat inside. Put peroxide and an antibiotic ointment on the wounds and keep her in. If your cat goes outside that means you are probably feeding her out there which is probably why the stray is around. How would you like for someone to shot at your cat? Remember KARMA....

  11. The best solution would be to keep your cats inside. Your cats are declawed and you let them go outside? geez.

    Clean the belly wound with antibiotic ointment and bandage it so she can't l**k it off. The paw will sort itself out but you can flush periodically it with hydrogen peroxide.

  12. wtf. why would you shoot the stray cat.

    im sure you wouldnt wanna be shot.

    & it could have been your cats messing with the other one, not the stray cat messing with yours.

    if the cat was bothering yours, you should have just tooken it to the pound or called animal control.

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