
I need help... my child's mother was killed in a car crash and i dont know how to take care of my little girl?

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I need help... my child's mother was killed in a car crash and i dont know how to take care of my little girl?




  1. Is it possible for you to go to your mom sister, or even your in-law women. then there is the school if your child is of school age, also your church , or a church your child's mom went to.

  2. Do the best you can. Dont be embarrased to ask for help.

  3. I am so sorry for the loss of your child's mother.  Do you have any relatives that could help you get on your feet?  Perhaps you could check out your community too and find out if there is any parenting programs out there that you could get into.  I don't know about where you live but here the library even has programs.  They might even consider letting into mommy and me programs or something as you have now become both mommy and daddy quite suddenly.  Subsidies might be available for day care to give you a break now and then too if the child is too young for school.  Lastly, remember that no one has all the answers or is a perfect parent.  As time goes on, you will learn what works best for you and your child.

  4. Awww, that's so sad! Well, not to worry! I'm sure a bunch of butt holes on YA can tell you how to raise a child! Quite a lot of experts on the internet, you know.

  5. How old is your daughter?

    The main thing that you’re going to have to do is to show her lots and lots of love she knows that something is wrong kids are really smart. Ask your parents for help in taking care of your daughter as well after all they have been in that boat once before. Join a group for dads that have lost their loved one and now have to raise a child all alone… there out there go on the net and do a search you are the one that has to raise your daughter and you have to figure out your way of doing day to day activities with her take everyone’s advice take what best suites you and put together something that you know works best for you and your daughter.

  6. First my friend, you need to see a counseller and maybe a social worker.  Second, you need as much family around you as possible or friends if you dont have family, to help you.  Third, post specific questions, do I bath her, how do I change her nappy, how much milk should I give her.  etc etc etc  and then it will be easier to help you.

    May God be with you.

  7. Get some help from your local community centre, they may have parenting classes. You will instinctivly respond to your childs needs, just love her. Also get some counselling for your grief. My heart goes out to you

  8. ok, first step, get some food she can/will eat. after that you can worry about what everyone else says.  get applesauce, peanut butter and jelly, juice, and crackers.  if she is under 1 year old, i would get formula and a couple bottles.  2-5 get some milk and some kid cups or sippy cups. 5 and above, she can use regular cups. up to age 1, get baby food. 1-3 lil' entrees (in baby food aisle) or make PBnJ and cut or rip it into tiny bites to fit her  mouth.  now that you are momentarily safe on the food thing, make sure you have diapers or pull-ups if she uses them, and then go one with what everyone says.  go to churches, daycare centers, community centers, etc and tell them exactly what you said here, except replace "i dont know how to take care of my little girl" with "do you have any resources that i could use" or "do you have any advice?"

    good luck and God bless

  9. LOL @ shepherd, too true!

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Talk to your pastor, priest, rabbi, whatever, they can get you the help you need to learn how to be a good father. You CAN do this. How old is your daughter? Regardless of her age, you can talk to her pediatrician about what she should be eating, whether her development is normal, etc... Your pediatrician and clergy together should be able to provide you all the assistance you'll ever need.

  10. Go to the library rent tons of books on childcare. Make sure she has enough to eat, that she takes a bath  everynight, make her feel loved, hug and kiss her, tell her stories before sleeping, take her in your arms while saying the stories. I don't know you girl's age but you could take her to the movies. She has to be in a happy environnement.

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