
I need help my son is 11y old.He has a bad handwriting,what? can i do to help him to improve it ?

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I need help my son is 11y old.He has a bad handwriting,what? can i do to help him to improve it ?




  1. I wouldn't know for a boy. When I was that age, I took a calligraphy class for the fun of it, and it just happened to have the side effect of totally improving my handwriting. If he's at all interested in dragons or fantasy or medieval stuff maybe you could try that, but if he's not, there's not a lot you can do. Usually it improves over time, too - when I was that age, my handwriting was almost illegible, but it's just fine now.

  2. sit him down while he's doing homework and practice writing with him and if he cant get take the pencil then his hand and then yours and glide his hand hows he supposed to write

    also this could be genetic

  3. He can practice, but most times bad handwriting is just simply bad hand writing.  I've had bad hand writing my whole life.  A few classes in high school, I was required to type every single thing upon requests of the teachers.

    Funny thing is, I'm starting medical school soon- way to fulfill the stereotype, haha.

  4. Maybe he's writing too fast, tell him to slow down.

    In a lot of cases, handwriting is genetic. Do either of his parents have bad handwriting?

  5. tell him to slow down, practice every day and make sure he does it right though, cause if you practice sloppy it's going to stay sloppy if you practice right it's going to become right, or maybe go to a store and buy him a book with the dotted lines that make him trace over the letter and if that doesn't work maybe see if he switches hands maybe he thought he was a righty but he is really a lefty or vise-versa and that might make his handwriting better, make sure you tell him that his handwriting is a little sloppy and you want him to improve it and you're going to work with him on it

  6. How bad is it?  I have sloppy handwriting and my husband's writing is really bad and we're both in our 20's and in college, so bad handwriting really isn't the end of the world.  my writing at 11 wasn't very good and it just improved with time.  As long as it's a skill he's using, I'd say just give it time and don't worry about it.

  7. tell him to write slower, and concentrate on each letter.

    have him practice writing each alphabet letter 10 times each day.

    most guys hand writing is unreadable. its like a code. so hes  fine.

  8. I have the same issue at the moment, and I am going out this week to buy one of those handwriting books (he can't do cursive properly yet, so one of those cursive books where you write over the words, then copy it out yourself) so I can help him practice. I'm pretty sure they have them for 5th/6th grade kids.  Can't say whether it work's yet, but it's worth a try.

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