
I need help nameing a horse!!!!!?

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Well I might move to somewhere with alot of space for horses someday and I know if I buy a horse I will probably keep its name but I would like to give it a nick name that I could call it. I know it will be male so I was thinking something like Dunny, Bach, or Maddan and I want it to be so unique but still be like a nick name. Any help?




  1. Well see these are my 3 favortie names!

    Madden- show name=Party shoes cuz steve madden is a shoe store get it

    Ghiradelli- show name=Sweet as chocolate

    Colepito- show name=Struck by love cuz colepito means struck by love in itallian. Cole for short!

    Dont steel any of these!!!!!!!!! has a whole bunch!!!!!!!!!!

  2. caiden

  3. duncan..but really without know its names it will hard to find a nickname!

  4. name him when you see him and know his personality. i call my horse a girly paint( stupid yeah) but he is just little and he wont get dirty and is a freak about horses c**p

  5. De Vinci(sp?), Bolt, Blur, Pimp( =P ), Duke, Jaz, Wolfgang(sp?), Beethoven, Leo, Chase, Clay, but it really depends on the horse...

  6. Alcatraz



  7. Madden sounds nice

    I like Sugarcane, Polo, Dynamite, Naples, or Sugarcube.

    Your choice!

  8. doodle!!i don't no why but u could call him snickerdoodle and the doodle for short?or a mystical name like:sundance dreamer,or catch a sun know...a really pretty name that sounds like a prince!!

  9. Hanny, Yarn, Dance

  10. Chomanche

    pronounced (com-an-chey)




  11. Dunny, Bach, or Maddan are fine names

  12. Yours sound great!!  I'm sure by the time you get your horse, you will have thought of many many others!

  13. i like names of flowers or plants or even the weather. how about something like rain, storm, sky, baily, bramble, anorse, dune.

    just some names i liked.

  14. Casper, Knowlan, Jordan, Sparks, Danny, thats all i could think of x

  15. DAX

  16. tead!

  17. Prancer

  18. prince is a good name for a male horse

  19. Beau (pronounced bow)

  20. You really can't name any animal without having seen or met it first.  And since the theoretical horse might not be purchased for quite a while, you'll probably change your mind anyway.

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