
I need help naming my kitten

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I somewhat recently adopted a male polydactyl kitten (he has thumbs) and I'm having a hard time naming him. I want a name that isn't aggressive or cliché, but other then that I'm not picky. Most of all I want his name to fit him.

Here is what he looks like:





-He bites a lot, but I think that's just a kitten thing

-He is extremely affectionate

-As I said earlier he has a thumb

-He is bad at hunting

-very playful

-When he sleeps he looks like road kill 0.0

-longish hair

-good at jumping


-declawed (I didn't declaw him)


-loves to bother and tease my dog

-loves paper and plastic

-love chips especially cheetos

-grows really quickly (double in size first month)

That's all I can think of right now if I come up with anything else I'll add it later.




  1. You can name it Danielle after me..

  2. I hope biting is a kitten thing, because mine does it too.

    As soon as I saw your cat, the name that leapt to mind was ROCKY. He just looks like a Rocky. Maybe Rocco. He's a cutie. This is mine. He was neutered today, poor baby.

  3. Iggy, Meowzers,Vega/ Vegas, Jackpot, MeeMee, or Lucky, or oreo, or sunshine, or rocky maybe.

    Im not that good at naming things either as you can see, but i hope that this'll help!!!!

  4. you can call it kitty

  5. OMG. He is so cute!!!!!!!! and to the person who posted a pic of her kitten, he is adorable too!!!!!

    i definitely think you should pick out your own name that comes from your heart! Go to a baby names website....such as

    If he were mine, I would name him Kitty Kitty Foo Foo and call him Kitty for short....or something that begins with Mr.! Those are always so cute.

  6. call him Slinky.  it's perfect for him!  I love his bushy squirrel tail!  my cat has one too. yours will be a bushy, long hair when he'd fully matured. my cat who is as bushy as a racoon now looked a lot like yours at that size/age.  we just thought he was a fuzzy kitten, his hair wasn't that long, just fuzzy. As he got closer to a year old he got longer hair and "puffed up". he's now 18lbs.  If so, you are lucky as long hairs not only have softer fur, but it sheds differently.  instead of a million single hairs all over the place like a short hair, it'll come out in little tufts or fuzzballs.  it's way easier to pick up a tumbleweed of cat fluff than a ton of separated hairs. he's a pretty kitty, enjoy!   check out my kitty on

  7. Maybe you can name him..

    Tigger, Sassy, Teaser, Cadet, Shawdow, Missy, Daisy, Bo

    Im not not good with names. \

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