
I need help on an dream interup.?

by Guest64950  |  earlier

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Just in case someone has the power or gift of dreams. Please help.

Last night my mother who is deceased comes and gets in the bed with me hugs me and I wake up. I lay toward the window and she comes in the door and lays behind me.

any takers




  1. You feel lonely.

    Something is troubling you.

  2. The question really is what triggered this dream.

    Very often when we projected deceased love ones coming into our dream and do something, that may be a message of some what.

    however, that message basically is coming from you. Not knowing your background, it is merely a speculation.

    In your case,  you may be feeling the need of love.  The love from close family.  Perhaps, lately you are feeling lack of support or respect.  Projecting hugs and kisses from your deceased mother may somehow ease your mind in terms of lack of support and needing comfort.  

    You will have to examine your life recently and see if anything happened to you. If you are feeling emptied, needing someone to talk to, and your deceased mother may be symbol of things you want to share with in reality

  3. I'm gonna make an assumption that this dream doesn't reflect a more sinister aspect that some may jump to thinking.  I'm gonna assume that when you were young, there were times where your mother may have come to comfort you after bad dreams or when you were sick during the night.  

    If that assumption is true and the dream offers you some sense of comfort while you're dreaming....  Then, the dream would seem to be an expression of your need for that bond now that she is no longer able to be around.  

    The second part of this will depend on your belief system....  You can take it to simply be your subconscious expressing the need to feel that maternal comfort.  OR, if you believe in such occurances, you could say it was a visitation from her offering a reassurance that she is still around for you.  

    However, ultimately you are the one better equiped to interpret your dream.  You have a better idea of what kind of relationship your mother and you had and what such a dream might mean to you.  Also, compare the dream content and timing to what is going on in your waking life.  

    Doing this, you can usually find some connection as to why you dream what you do.

    Good luck.

  4. thats kinda creepy.

    it doesn't mean anything, i hope. i had a dream where there was this really small room and a desk with loads of boks around. there was a man at the desk and a coffin leaning up against the wall and then the man walked into the coffin. it was actually really creepy.

    most people have dreams about death, either when you know someone who has died or heard someone on the news who has died, or when you are scared of someone you know dying (even if you dont know you are scared.)

    dreams are all the recent thoughts you have had put together, so they usually dont make alot of sense.

    the mind works in a strange way!

    hope i helped a bit. =]

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