
I need help on day care stuff for school?

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what would be a good name? Hours and days its open? Number of children and their ages? Number of staff and the ages they are in charge of? Staff schedule and childrens? Learning centers and 1 lesson? Menu for the week (snack, lunch) How many bathrooms? Cost per child?

I need to no all that so please help me




  1. to get the best results for your day care you need to be open for an hour before most people start their work to about an hour after thay finish.

    i am pretty sure it is 1 carer for 5 or less children then an extra carer for ever 3 to 4 added.

    childcare centres cannot accept children less than 6 weeks old and normally dont over the age of 12.

    fun activities that help developmental areas such as fitting different shapes into the right hole, puzzles paining climbing catching etc. when i have worked i worked 8 to 10 hour shifts with relief staff picking up slack around lunch and scattered start times for regular staff.

    if having an in care menu make sure of all childrens allergies and make snacks healthy and exiting, make faces out of fruit and crakers etc.

    im not sure about costs but if you research local centres you could find this out, just pretend you are an interested parent.

    hope this helps

  2. If this is a school assignment, maybe you should look through the information you were given in class.

    Each state is different on ratios and other legal matters.  I suggest you talk to a classmate instead of asking strangers online.  

    Sorry I can't be of more help but like I said each state is different.

  3. I would first suggest if you are serious about starting a day care you do a bit of research beyond asking strangers question. I worked in day care for 15 years and the normal age range is 6 weeks to 12 years but you can do whatever. When I did in home day care I did a bit more narrow age group 3 years to 7 years  worked best for me. Most if not all states have a set ratio for the number of children per staff. In Ohio I had 4-5 year olds and could only have 14 children, the number drops as the age goes down, infants was 5:1. Staffing will depend on your enrollment and state laws. I do recommend not doing  third shift hours here in Ohio it had little to no enrollment. 1st is most popular with drop off times starting at 5am or 6 you will have to see what your community's needs are. 2nd shift is also a good idea since there are usually few options for parents who work 2nd shift so a close time about mid nite should work well. there are also laws here in Ohio on types of menus and foods that can be served. So you will have to check into that locally. I hope I have been helpful. And for a name pick something that sound fun.

  4. a good name would be "my hoes are your hoes"

    you don't need a bathroom

    you should be open 12am -7am for club Mommy's

    fried foods french fries and ketchup and gummy bears should suffice

    your lessons should be about learning Ebonics

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