
I need help on gettin a surf board 4 10 year old,beginner?what is a best short,long,egg shaped,hard or soft?

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I need help on gettin a surf board 4 10 year old,beginner?what is a best short,long,egg shaped,hard or soft?




  1. Definetly the soft board unless he really catches on and can get up easily and isn't afraid of hitting the board.  Basically, the longer the board, the easier it is to standup and catch waves...but not too long, i wouldnt go over 8 feet for a 10 yr old, prolly a 7  ft would be good, its all dependent on who's learning how to surf.  I am learning on an 8ft, and im 17, but i love it, because its the perfect size. its all dependent on him or her.

  2. I would say a soft top, fun board.  

    The soft top is great because they won't get hurt as much when they fall and hit the board.  However, if the person is aggressive and tough enough, go with a hard board.  

    And the fun board will be a great length to learn on, not too long, not too short.  Basically, the longer the board, the easier it will be to learn on.  But if they're only 10 years old, anything TOO long will be too hard to control and maneuver.

  3. thats when i started and i got a long soft top board. it's easier to learn on a long board because of your balance so def go for that aspect. also the soft top (brands like liquid shredder and surface) is great so if you get knocked down your not hitting a hard fiberglass top. the softness doesnt affect the 'ability' of the board either. i've had mine for 3-4 years now and they are great and easy to learn on.

    Hope i helped! <3Hunter

  4. I agree - a soft-top or foam board is best and a long, narrow shape will be best.  Probably nothing over 8 ft depending on the height and weight of the surfer

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