
I need help on how to be more outgoingggg!!?

by  |  earlier

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i want to be more outgoing. it sounds stupidd, but i need to be more interactive if i want this profession. tips on how to maybe ACT outgoingg??! anythingg will helppp. also, talking to a big crowdd. i have no clue what to sayyyy!! ahhhhh!! helpp?!!




  1. Build up your confidence.

    Think of your qualities, and I'm not talking about superficial qualities like your looks, I'm talking about inner qualities like honesty, intelligence, or kindness.

    Feel comfortable.

    Always be clean, shower, brush your teeth and try to look nice, even dress in clothes that make you feel good and comfortable. This makes you feel more free and confident to interact with people.

    Go out more often.

    Go walk around the street, see people, what they do, how are things around you, forget for a while your problems. You have to have interest in people.

    Smile more often.

    Everybody feels attracted to people that smile, start to smile more often at people, even at strangers, it will get them to think you're friendly and they'll warm up to you more, even if they don't know you.

    Speak louder.

    Try to speak in a louder voice, so you will even feel more "free". You can start by being loud with yourself, a good way to start your morning is yelling "GOOD MORNING" out loud. Well, people at your home may think you're crazy, but it is a great way to start being louder. But if people want it quiet, yell "good morning" with a pillow on your face.

    Speak to random people in the street. It may scare some people off to even think about talking to strangers and being seen as weird. But it's nothing to worry about. Just go out your house and speak to random people in the street, simply smile and say "Hi!" or greet them saying "Good morning." Doing it is good because it gives you more confidence and easiness to talk to people, and it even gets you to meet new people.

    Just talk.

    Yeah, it's easier than you think, people tend to worry about talking because they think "what am I going to talk about with that person?". Outgoing people don't even think about it, they simply go up to people and just speak their mind.

    Listen to people.

    You can't just talk, talk and talk, or people will think you're self-centered. Talk, speak your mind, but also show interest in people, let them know you care. But don't pretend to be caring, you have to actually listen to them, make eye contact and give an opinion, because if you're giving an opinion, it is because that matters to you. And people will feel grateful and will like you more if you show you're truly interested in what they say.

    Voice your opinions. When in a discussion where people are all voicing their opinions, LISTEN, so you'll know what they are talking about. If you don't know, don't be shy, simply ask a few questions to know more about it, and when you start to understand the subject, you can voice your opinions, tell people what you think about that subject, and don't worry if someone has a different opinion, everybody has the right to speak up, and people will look up to you more if you aren't afraid to voice your opinions.

    Meet at least 1 new person everyday

  2. You need practice and experience. Get out and talk to people.

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