
I need help on my h/w and the questions are from the book called Grapes Of Wrath.....?

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1. In a digression from the Joad story we have people/ machine/ animal trail. The turtle, carrying his house on his back gets to the other side slowly but surely but the two drivers react to the animal in very different ways. Explain.

2. After reading the chapter carefully, list the adjectives that describe the turtle in its journey to the other side of the road. Why would Steinbeck employ these adjectives?

3. If a symbol is an action or thing that points beyond its concrete, literal meaning, what might the turtle symbolize? Use text to support your ideas.

4. On a chart list the words and phrases which describe the turtle and Jim Casy.

5. In the middle of Chapter 4 casy describes himself as being like the turtle, always going "off somewhere" In what ways do the turtle and the preacher resemble each other physically?

6. Why did the turtle cross the road? Answer this joke with proof from the book.




  1. The Grapes of Wrath is a classic, and also one that I have never read.  However, there are numerous free on line resources that can help you with your study of this novel, most of which analyze the story, discuss themes and symbolism and other literary devices, and give character sketches.  If you do a search you will find many helpful resources.  Additionally hundreds of questions have been asked here on Y!A about The Grapes of Wrath so do a search for it in the Yahoo Answers search window and you will find lots of Q’s and A’s that should help you.    

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