
I need help on my setting!(THE GAMES ON MONDAY!!!)?

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im in my highschool BOYS volleyball team and the coach has been putting me in as a setter. i originally didnt want to be a setter, but as we were rotating positions during practice he put me in and never moved me to any other spot. i started liking it and now i wanna start as one. during the practices ive noticed ive been setting the ball a little far from the net, but the hitters still are able to send it down, and the coach says im doing a good job. im kinda confused. arent you suppose to set the ball close to the net? also, how do i stop the spin when i set? and how do i make my set feel and look smoother? HELP!!! WE HAVE A GAME ON MONDAY!!!




  1. i dont really think you're supposed to set the ball THAT close to the net. cuz if you do, then they won't have room to do their approach and full swing.

    i think the ball spins when you set because both of your hands aren't touching the ball at the same time.

    to make your set smoother, i guess it just takes practice.

  2. If your hitters can manage, it is better to be a bit far from the net because there's less chances of the the hits getting blocked.  When sets are tight to the net, it is very hard for hitters to hit around double-block.

    Spinning sets are often caused by using just fingertips or not using your thumbs enough.  Below is some basics for setting:

    Locate the ball, position yourself facing where you're setting not the ball, and place your hands above your head. Make a triangle with your hands without touching. See the ball through the triangle making your head, the triagle, and the ball in a straight line. Push up the ball extending your arms and legs. Most important - Hands should be up before you make the contact. Also, use all five fingers with thumbs being the most important. Don't just use the fingertips but the whole lengths of your fingers for better control.

  3. There are some steps to setting.

    1.  Put your hands like cowboy guns at your side, with your weak foot in front.

    2.  Draw your guns up to your forehead, and look through the window.  Make sure that your hands are spread wide and that your thumbs are even and parallel with your forehead.

    3.  Take a step with your strong foot.

    4.  Make contact with the ball while your hands are still very close to your forehead.  A trick is, you know your hands are in the right spot when the ball would bounce right off your forehead if you moved your hands.

    5.  Push the ball out at the right angle, and when you end, make sure you are looking at the back of both of your hands, kind of like superman.

    6.  Follow up with two more steps, with your arms still FULLY extended.  If you keep your arms up longer, it feels more secure.

    When you set, how close it is to the net usually relies on the hitter.  Too close, and you know it's gonna get blocked.  To far away....and you know it's gonna get blocked, or go out of the court.  Ask your hitter what they like, or if the set you just gave them was good enough.

  4. You don't have to set the ball close to the net for your hitters to get a good swing on the ball. As long as the set is "hittable" you should be okay. For taking the spin off the ball... make sure your hands are even when you contact the ball and try to "soften" the ball as it comes into your hands. Make sure when you are setting that all of your fingers are touching the ball, your right foot is forward, and you finish your set by following through.... (think of superman...)

    Good Luck!!!

  5. You don't have to set the ball right up on the net.

    the hitters are probably hitting it bettter because they have room to swing and take their spike aproach and there not up on the net. As for the set to feel and look smoother... just relax your hands more.

  6. If you have athletic hitters with big spiek approaches or if your hitters are on the shorter side, it will be easier for them to hit the ball when set off the net.  If the sets are too tight to the net with shorter hitters, they will get blocked.  On the other hand if you have very tall hitters, it will be easier for them to hit the ball straight downwith a tight set.

    as for spin, your thmbs should be pointed in towareds your head, fingers spread wide apart (like a moose antlers)  and you should extend your arms up like superman when setting.  ball contact will help you with your spin.  to practice by yourself, take your ball and do mini sets against the wall with your arms/elbows fully extended. The idea is to just let the ball bounce off your fingertips to learn contact.  Set only a few inches above the pals of your hand and try to do this continuously for a minute or two.  Start with both hands, then try it with just one, then just the other.

    A good setter's hands take time to develop.  Just practice and have patience.  Good luck.

  7. most of the time my team put their thumbs forward so try to keep them back and see what happens and keep you sets high there easier to hit

  8. the spin is most likely from your hands being the slightest bit uneven.

  9. lol 1st chill its a game 2nd smooth motion through the serve watch where you hit the ball as long as you hit the ball in a hard place for the opposing team to rebuttal the ball your golden me i aim 4 the weakest player =P it usally works judge the players abilitys

  10. wow usually i'd hate being setter. i love the power side :)

    well being a power, i tend to be picky on my sets sometimes. i dont like my sets near the net because i tend to touch the net quite often. and when you volley, make sure you cater the ball. act like your gonna catch the ball, but really, your just bringing your hands down as the ball is approaching you. and then setting/volleying the ball. i know i sound kinda confusing but it makes the set reallly soft without a spin.

    it also takes practise!

    im gonna have too set now for the coed team :( since im a "girllll"

  11. make sure yo only hit it with your fingertips and snap your wrists

  12. Of all the players on the court you have to the most alert, but also the most poised. You have to be the QB and the point guard.

    Set location really depends on the preferences of your hitters.  You should get yourself to the point where you know your hitters strengths and limitations and your sets should put them in the best possible situation to get the ball down.  If they succeed then they will have fun, if they have fun then your team will win more times then not.  Generally speaking though, for the 5 set (high and outside) 2-5 feet off the net is best because it gives your hitters the most options i.e. slice, cut, dink, over the top or tool.  Setting the middle depends on the set, but your set shouldn't be inside 2 feet (of the net).

    Spin is about feel.  If I were you I wouldn't worry about the spin just yet, unless your getting called for doubles or lifts.  Worry much more about the location of your sets and making your hitter happy.  To improve your spin, feet and setting in general, set the ball against the wall in your gym.  Pick out a spot on the wall and get ready to work hard.  You should build a sweat doing this.  Practice hitting different locations consistently and work on different techniques getting the ball out of your hands cleanly.  Work the fingertips, the thumbs and even the pads of the hands (but not the palms).  While your in this drill make sure that your shoulders are ALWAYS square to your target.

    Feet awkward?  Means your not getting to the ball on time.  Setters MUST ALWAYS ANTICIPATE.  To be an excellent setter, you gotta get to the spot before the ball does, that's why passing is so important, it makes the anticipation for the setter easier.  Jump setting is the best set, if you're not jumping then start.  In order to do this you need to know where the ball is going- get to the spot, jump and meet the ball in mid air and set the attack in motion.  Jump on every set-  front, middle and back, and as your court sense increases take little peeks in the periferal of your right eye and locate the middle blocker while your lefts is concentrate on the ball.  You will make great decisions once you master this skill, then you will beat the middle blocker and setter who knows how to consistently beat the middle blocker will win alot of games.

    Remember be relaxed, but stay alert and enjoy making your teammates better.

  13. Ok, don't fret. You know how you can drink the 2 liter thing of soda? you do that with the volleyball. You can actually get better it's freaky. I've tried it, it works.

  14. When you set the ball, it doesn't have to be right at the net. You can also do back-row sets but those are g*y. lol. But yea, when you set the ball, as long as the hitter has the right timing with the ball and the ability, they can hit it. Some, I know, prefer the net, but once you get used to setting for your team, you will learn their prefrences.

    With the spin, you should soften your fingers for a millisecond. almost like youre catching it. That should give you a little more control of the ball too.

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