
I need help on paternal visitation rights please im desperate!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am a paternal father my daughter is 9 years old both I and my ex girlfriend were underaged. Now my daughter is 9 years old and my daughters mom wont let me talk to my daughter, see my daughter and not even be there for her birthday. She is completely keeping my daughter away from me and telling her i dont love her and i dont care about her when thats a lie. how do i get visitation rights to where my daughters mom has no say but the courts ruling only so i can see, talk to and hold my daughter again? please help!!!!!!!!!!!!

desperate dad




  1. Hi bullriding_belle,

    Has paternity been established? Are you paying child support?

    Get an attorney he in turn will file all the legal documents that you will need, even though you weren't married.  Once this is completed the attorney will file a motion with the court to establish paternity (blood tests), then you will go to Family and Child court where the judge will determine if you can see your daughter & set up visitation rights.  Whatever you do don't tell your child bad things about her mother for your sake & hers (this is  your time no matter what the mother is saying about you.   You in turn don't want to insult the mother of your child). Just enjoy the time you have with your daughter.  I hope this helps & have a good day. :0)

    Additional Details: You can do some of the work yourself pro bono then the rest can be done with attorney establish paternity, go into family/child court, start paying child support,  these all need to be done 1st then vistation will be set up by the judge,  enjoy your time with her as children grow fast (before you know it she be a young lady).

  2. Is there a custody order in place?  If not (and you weren't married) then technically you don't have any say in whether you get to see your daughter or not.  I would suggest getting an attorney and filing for at least partial custody.  This would guarantee you rights and visitations.

    You can file for custody without an attorney, but I would not recommend it at all!  Continue to try and see your daughter, and keep notes of all those attempts.  Keep all voicemails, emails and any other proof that the mother is attempting to shut you out.

  3. Get a lawyer,get visitation rights.

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