
I need help on showing a section d cob?

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i need help i have got a welsh section d cob mare shes 3yrold and she has two blue eyes well half blue eyes shes a bay with three white socks shes really nice little show off she is but i dont think she would get any where in showing because of her blue eyes shes got the best conformation and shes really pretty foward mover as well. plus really good bloodlines in her and its strange that shes got blue eyes because her mother is black and her father is bay please tell me if she would get any where in showing. thanks




  1. A judge maybe attracted to the fact that a horse has wall eyes, however they have to accept that is part of the conformation of the horse and is not a fault or blemish.

    As for the showing, a good judge is looking at the overall impression.  You show away and enjoy yourself doing it.

  2. Personally I don't like them and I consider them a fault - but if it's between a pony with a poor thigh and a pony with wall eyes, I'd probably put the wall eyes first.

    If her conformation is otherwise good, go for it. And if you're doing ridden classes all the better - I'd definitely put a wall eye with a good show above a poor thigh with a mediocre show!

  3. sounds like you have a lovely horse to show. Dont let her eyes talk you out of showing as this is all down to personal preference of the judge. and some dont even notice.I have recently watched an inhand show and there was beautiful grey and that had very blue eyes (could see it from 10 feet away) that went on to win the championship as well. so this year may just be the year for you...

    good luck and remember to get her striding out to the fullest (in otherwords run like the wind...)


  4. Hi , if your mare has good conformation with good action and pressence i would show her regardless of the eye colour i have seen quite a few wall eyes in the ring over the years. Go for it and run like the wind have fun and good luck.

  5. I think she could go pretty far, but it depends on what you want to show her in...

    No matter what your showing in, they will look at not only how she is built, but also her movement, her attitude, and how responsive she is. But... responsiveness, and attitude can be helped by how she is trained. Good luck =D

  6. She will not drop points because of her eye colour. Have fun showing her.

  7. The blue eyes you describe are called Wall eyes. You shouldn't be marked down for it, but some judges may do it and they don't like it. It is the judge's decision, they are looking for the best interpretation of the breed. Personally I like wall eyes =] Have fun showing her.

  8. Eye colour should not be marked down.  I am a bit surprised that she is bay, I though welsh d was black.  I may be wrong.  It is a long time since I showed.  Having a horse would have helped.

    To prepare, make sure she is in tip top condition.  Do not trim her as she is a native breed, make sure her coat is glossy.

    Make sure she leads well and stands nicely and squarely and you should do well.

    For you, smart comfortable trousers, riding hat, gloves and boots (avoid the mud when you go into the ring!!!!) and jacket.

    For both of you!  Have FUN!

  9. of course you would be able to show her!!! i quite like the welsh breeds, but of course, it all depends in the judge! you would probably do well in the In hand classes, such as in hand Mountain and Moorland, or under saddle (if shes broken)  in cob classes and family pony types etc, although she should be over the age of 4 b4 she is competed under saddle. The wall eye should not affect her showing capabilities and she would have as much chance as any other horses as a wall eye is not a major flaw! You could try her at a few local shows and see how it goes from there, but i see no harm in trying. But yes take her in hand in M&M, Welsh D classes or cobs etc. She sounds like a nice little mare with a certain presance about her! good luck with the showing.

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