
I need help on what to do about my cat

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Hi there, I have a male cat (he's indoor) who is 2 years old, and a few days ago, I woke up to find that his right ear looked kind of odd. I took a closer look at it and it seems the inside of his ear is swollen. I notice he keeps scratching it and shaking his head alot because of it, so I'm thinking it's ear mites. Aside from that, I can't afford to take him to the vet and I'm not sure if there is any vet near where I live (we live in the boonies.) I would greatly appreciate anyone's help on this because I am at a loss of what to do, and I don't want anything seriously bad to happen to him. :(

Thank you.




  1. try wiping the ear out with peroxide. get cat ear med @ a pet store or the pet food isle in a grocery store. follow the directions on the bottle. if that doesn't work, then you will have to go to a vet.

  2. If the ear is swollen, there's either an absess, or constant itching has caused a hardening of the ear...

    If it's the latter, you would have noticed it a while ago so I'm assuming it's an absess..

    If it's an absess ? He'll get over it if he has proper nutrition and has had all his shots etc...

    If it's a constant irritation ? You really need to get him to the vet to find out what's going on...

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