
I need help or let put it this way, my younger brother needs help.?

by  |  earlier

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Okay here how it goes. My stupid with no brain younger brother went to a club in our neighborhood.He is just 15 (Jake).Happen to be, I and my second elder brother(Matt) did not noticed that Jake sneaked out.

Unfortunate for Jake,my eldest bro(Mike) happen to be in the same club as he is.Jake did not noticed that Mike is there.So he ordered a glass of beer and few minutes later Mike tap on his shoulder.Mike plays cool, ask Jake to get home.SO he got home by taxi just now.

Now, he's at home and shaking waiting for Mike to get home.Not to forget Mike is our legal guardian after dad passed away.Just now Jake told me and Matt his situation and he got bla..bla...bla..(nag) from Matt.The funny thing is, he ask Matt to lie to Mike saying that Matt sent him to the club.The reason is because his friend who drove him to the club has no license.

The problem now is, Mike will get angry if he knows that Jake sneaked out.That means me and Matt are the careless brother here.Second he will of course get angry to Jake for his stupidity.

Jake is a person with a very bad communication skill during an argument.He will talk back and argue without using his brain.He can't think in a critical situation.SO Jake was asking me how should he talk to Mike afterwards.He was asking if he should lie or talk straight.Let say MIke hit him, shall he hit Mike back.

You see guys. I have no answer for all his question.So could anyone please suggest what should Jake says to Mike afterwards. And if Mike hit him, should I protect Jake or not.

I have to say that Mike can be quite physical when he's angry.He's not an abuser, don't get me wrong.He's just full of energy when he's angry.




  1. Your older brother can be held legally responsible for whatever you and your siblings do. Meaning he can go to jail for one of you being destructive, or underage drinking. My advice to you would be say you are sorry and never do that again! Do you want your guardian to go to prison over something one of you do? You would definately be taken away from him and sent to foster care if the courts find he cant control your behavior. Chances are with 3 of you, you will also be split apart.

    Next time think of the consequences before doing something so stupid.

  2. the best thing to do is stop sneaking around and lying . your older brother has taken on alot of responsability with you boys and you should give him thanks and respect . you could be in foster care  

  3. How about you make sure that they are both calm, so nobody gets into a fight. But make you still need to make sure that your younger brother isnt going out to clubs and drinking at 15. So both you and your older brother should make sure that he doesnt sneak out, but in a calm way.

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