
I need help or suggestions on how to get inventions I have on the way to manufacture and marketing.

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Please no crazy answers please. I would be very grateful for advise from someone that has been there done that or is educated in this field. Or know any good leads for me. I currently have an appointment with Invent Help.Anyone out there ever dealt with this company and if so , how would you rate them.




  1. I would be careful with the invention assisting companies. I am not familiar with InventHelp but most of those kind of companies are basically scams to get you to pay a fee. All many of them do is repackage the materials you provide, file and then mail them to companies. That you could do yourself but neither are likely to get you a license or buyout of your invention.

    It sounds like you have already filed a patent application, but if not you can file a provisional patent application with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office ( The provisional application fee is only around $100. The provisional application will give you 1 year before you need to file a full application. So, it doesn't replace the application, just delays the expense of a full application. It is important that you prepare the application in the proper way and with good attention to detail. There is a good book; "Patent it yourself" by Pressman. With a provisional application filed, you will then have time to investigate the potential of our invention and determine if you should file a full application.

    There are many avenues to getting value from your invention, from licensing or selling your invention at the outset to starting a company. Talking with industry experts and executives is probably the best way to craft a good strategy. I recommend getting several perspectives as it is more an art that a science. An industry CEO, seasoned marketing executive, successful entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and an experienced R&D engineer are a few examples of valuable but likely different perspectives on your best plan. Finding and meeting these people is not easy but it is your best approach to getting attention and knowledeable input on your idea.  

  2. Start with patent attorneys.  They will have the technical people on hand in order to advise you (for a fee of course).  The company you are going to see is about making money off of you, not from the public buying your invention.

  3. You are going to get scammed.  You have to talk directly to the manufacturers.  There is no shortcut.  No one can do it for you.  It is hard work.   Home Shopping Network has its yearly contest and all the people get publicity for free even if they lose. /

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