
I need help overhand serving. I just can't get it over the net. Any advice??

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I need help overhand serving. I just can't get it over the net. Any advice??




  1. Just pop the ball over.

    Don't swing through. Aim for a little bit below the middle of the ball. Keep the ball just a little bit in front of you so it's not even your shoulder or too far out.

  2. My coach said when you through the ball  up to serve it it should land on your right shoulder(or your left if your left handeed)and when you throw it up pretned you are using a bow and pretend your pulling back on string and hit the ball!!!!!!!!!!

  3. hi.. strenght is not as important as some people say here...

    technic is everything you need.

    through the ball in the air.. and hit it over and a bit bevore your head (80°)

    take care that your arm is strained.

    your hand and your wrist have to be strained to.

    practise and ask your teammates and your trainer to correct you. he must know, how to do it best..

    don´t give up

  4. make sure you hit the ball in front of you and swing all the way through it to get the maximum amount of power. you may also want to build up your upper arm strentgh by doing push ups, pull ups, etc...don't throw the ball more than a foot above your head and practice practice practice!

  5. well, you have to make sure your throw is perfect before hitting your comfortable with it. First try bending just your fingertips down and using the palm of your hand to hit the ball. hit the volleyball hard and up. then all you need it to practice and practice to get your hand flat and adding a spin to the ball!

  6. I have your same problem.  I always have to serve underhand, but coaches don't like that.  So, find a court and practice practice practice.  Start at the ten foot line and serve with good posture, and as you make your serves, continue to move back until you reach the back line.  Make sure you are using a good, high toss and are using your abdomen as well as your arms in serving.  Good luck!

  7. I used to have the SAME problem! What I've learned is that you HAVE to have ALOT of arm strength to get that ball over. What I advise you to do are push ups and, weightlifting!  Well, BeSt oF LuCk!

  8. Make sure that your feet are about shoulder width apart. If you are right handed then your left foot should be slightly forward and vice versa if you are left handed. In that stance, put your right arm up in front of you at about a 45 degree angle, that is where the ball should be when you hit it from your toss. Once you toss the ball, make sure that you step through the motion with your whole body, that is where your power will come from. It is alot like throwing a softball. Make sure that your fingers are spread apart, just like they would if you are spiking the ball. Just keep practicing and you will get it! Good Luck!

  9. * the - are to keep the spaces; the | are the net; and the O is the volleyball; the second | and the / is your hand

    ok, ive watched my friend do this kinna thing and i noticed what she did when it didn't go over the net.  don't hit the ball when your arm is this way....




    no way that could ever get over :S  Hit it when your arm is like this...




    So try hitting the ball a little ealier tell me if that helps when u comment someone with the best answer ;)

    p.s. just ignore all the minus signs without them it would b all messy :S

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