
I need help planning a "Meet" party for my 11 yr old son, since we have just moved into an apartment.

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My son tends to be shy and needs help making new friends. I know there are plenty of kids in the complex but I need some idea of how all of them can meet.




  1. I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but at that age, he has to go meet them on his own.  At around 11-13 that's when the kids start trying to act all cool and they aren't going to go to a "meet" party to meet a new kid on the block.  

    Sorry, but I'm just being honest.  You should encourage your son to go and talk to them on his own, it'll go a lot better.

  2. Don't throw a "meet" party! that would give him a reputation of that kid who had a party to meet people... He will have to come out of his shell. (something you can't help him do)

    Encourage him to invite kids over to play video games, play basketball, catch, baseball... just don't have a party. For your sons sake ; )

  3. Take care. I just returned from a wedding where a mother introduced her 13 y/o son, said he could speak good english but was very shy, and kept fussing around the poor little guy. My daughter who is quite gregarious had him chatting but after while mom came to see how he was doing, and then making him dance, and he didn't say another word all evening.

    If you have just moved, give it some time for him to find some kids who have the right dynamic that he feels comfortable with. If you have to do anything I'd suggest writing a note to some of the neighbours saying "me husband and son who is 11 have just moved in and would love to meet some neighbours" ... i.e. without broadcasting a message that son needs help = is deficient. He probably isn't .. just likes a softer dynamic.

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