
I need help planning an 18th birthday for Halloween?

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My birthday is in October and I'll be 18 so I want to have a Halloween themed party. I don't know what to have like decoration wise? I want my friends to never forget this party and I want to have something that no one would think of. Also we dont' have all the money in the world to fund this party either. My setting is very cool at my dad's house is a big yard going into what looks like woods and he has a bon fire pit down there. Anything would help!!!!!




  1. Do A costume party. A theme could be something like A RED CARPET EVENT. You and your friend dress up like stars and walk down the red carpet.

  2. Well, if you really want to make an unforgettable impression at your 18th birthday party, you could have a unique costume -- come out in your birthday suit!!!  LOL

    Seriously, hook up a stereo and have creepy music playing.  Any halloween store or even Target/WalMart sells sppoky Halloween CD's.  You can rent a fog machine, or else have containers with dry ice around, which will make a fog.  Use dry ice in the punch bowl.

  3. A Halloween themed party, huh?!

    Is your birthday ON Halloween or near it?

    I say you should put some decorations, and for the occassion, every person you invite to the party should wear a costume to honor Halloween.

    Ask your friends to help you for your party if you lack the money because they're going to help you. Besides, it's harder to forget something like your 18th party if they help you with it rather than just attending the party.

    Something that nobody would think of, huh?! It's hard, considering it's Halloween but you can research the "true origins" of Halloween in Ireland with them using turnips instead of pumpkins.

    Research everything for the party. You have enough time. Today is July 28th, and you have a little bit more than three months (if not on Halloween, then just three months) to prepare for the party.

    Happy Birthday to you, and bless you!

  4. Plan surprises.  Set up games before hand and have people play tricks on one another but be serious about it.  Before the party act like something is a little off the entire night but just shrug and smile it away when you need to.

    Don't be afraid to ask someone "did you see something? I just crazy?"

    Get people tense.

    You can even start this now, setting up your own rumor type of scenario.  Tell people you saw some crazy 4 legged type of animal in the woods and you don't know what it is.  Don't make it too big a deal but start the idea out there that something is just a little off.

    Dig a few pits and put odd things in them.  Melted candles in one, maybe a few feet away is another with doll parts.  Maybe get some road kill bones (Use gloves and be careful if you opt to do this.  Use your head) into another.  Let them sit there for a few days and then tell some people that maybe you found these things all out in the woods one day.  Bring them over to look.  Probably works best if it is not TOO close to your property but close enough.

    About two weeks before Halloween maybe even dig one in someone else's back yard (hopefully a friend that may be attending) and drop something crazy in one of those.

    The whole point is to build tension before the party.  Act scared, point fingers and never admit anything.


    Tell someone to just go out into the woods and stay there for a while until someone notices they are gone.  That should get everyone elses hearts racing.

    While they are in the woods take some blood meal (common dried cow's blood you can buy at a garden supply store) mix it with water and splash it on a shirt.  A nice bloody shirt should do some good because this person should then be instructed to run out of the woods screaming in a realistic scared fashion.

    EDIT:  To make sure they are really scared, have someone else in on it waiting to scare them once the job is complete with the bloodying of the shirt.  Make it someone that you told everyone you didn't plan to have at the party.  Someone that they had not seen that entire night.

    Have some story, realistic, about how that person got that way.  Make sure it is believeable.  People are most scared of what can really happen to them.

    And, no matter what, never admit any of it was setup.  Not knowing is what makes his whole thing worth while.

    At the end plan that, in three years, to have your 21st b-day party up in Salem, Mass.  That place gets crazy on Halloween.  Just set it up well in advance.

    EDIT 2:  Tell people that you are gonna do a cheesy pumpkin carving thing at your party and that it won't take too long out by the bonfire.  

    Get a few pumpkins before all of this.  Get a needle you can refill from a bubblejet printer refill cartridge, empty it and get some fake blood or blood meal as mentioned above.  Get it to a nice consistency, fill the needle and inject a few pumpkins full of blood an hour or two before the party.

    Make sure you insert the needle where it won't be easily seen, usually up around where the vine meets the "flesh" of the pumpkin.  Poof, a few blood filled pumpkins.

    Maybe only fill one and make sure you know which one it is.  Pass out the rest and cut yours open first, being very casual, keeping that knowing grin off of your face.  When you pull off the top, pull out guts!?  Scream your head off and throw it near the fire , hopefully cracking and spewing it's bloody insides all over.

    Guarantee people will rush or be wary to open up the rest of the pumpkins.

    Should be fun either way.  Remember, act scared, point fingers and never admit anything.  NO SMILING!!

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