
I need help please. I have been lied to in the past and I don't trust anybody really. but especially ?

by  |  earlier

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relationships. or maybe its me I don't trust. but I used to drive over to my bf's to see if his car was home and if he was lying to me. even though his car was there, I found out after we broke up that he took a cab out and left his car there. I want to trust so bad, but I find that I still don't. I want to drive tonight in the middle of the night to see if my new bf is at home or not, I am crazy aren't I. I know you are going to hit me with alot of bad comments. but its ok, tonight I really do feel crazy. how do I learn to trust again, ever?




  1. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be in a relationship until you get this sorted out.

    I understand not being able to trust. Someone a long time ago killed my trust. I waited a long time before getting in another relationship.

    You can't blame him for your ex's mistakes.

  2. By doing just what you are doing now and KEEPING YOUR MOUTH SHUT about your findings, regardless of what they are. You can only trust what is proved to be a fact to you. You are right to seek the truth. And when you find out what that is, relax that the man is where he said he would be or dump the sucker if he lied. The main thing is, not to appear to be crazy to him or anyone else....keep your mouth shut about what you are doing. It is good therapy to find out the truth. It is also good therapy not to look like a stalker.

  3. I've been there. It's okay to feel like that for now, but not exactly healthy. You need to establish your own personal confidence based on you and not you in a relationship. Find things, other than your boyfriend, that make you happy and concentrate on them. If you're having issues like this it really isn't appropriate to be in a relationship. You need to figure out who you are and feel good about yourself. It's not fair to your boyfriend for you to be like this, nor is it fair to you. Once you gain self-confidence you'll find that these insecurities will start to go away and then you can have a healthy relationship.

  4. Trust is an easy thing to lose and a hard thing to regain.  Take baby steps in trying to trust him.  Also let him know you do have trust issues and he can help you.  I have a bf that had trust issues and we decided to just be totally open and honest no matter what.  It has really helped.

  5. Go see Mr. Lewis . Maybe he will tell the truth. Landlords know whats best and they usually have the good stuff!  

  6. How about taking a break from the dating scene and maybe just hanging out with some of your girl friends.

    I think relationships are unhealthy for you right now.

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