
I need help please...anyone?...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I want to write some more lyrics (go through the name and you'll get lyrics). I wrote one earlier about how I miss 90's tv. Anyway, I need ideas...anyone...what more could I write about? Thank You in advance! x




  1. I think you should write a song about a prized possession...even if it's just something stupid.  I once wrote a poem about my new sunglasses because I loved them so much, and I also wrote a poem about my fancy new blender that got put into storage before I even got to use it.

  2. mr. freeze ice lollys XD


    evil fish

  3. peace by sma hain

  4. if you hav ever felt so strongly about a certain time in life or a certain someone. at the moment, i am so in love with someone i just cant tell who it is, no one knows and i dont think i will ever tell the person or anyone because it will destroy too much and knowing that this will be inside me forever is the biggest pain i have felt. every song, every tv show, every smell that reminds me of them just causes me to be more sad..being in love is usually a fantastic feeling but a love that can never be is like a caged animal tearing u up inside and manifesting so u take out other emotions on that individual like being mean to them because u want them to be as hurt as u are. and every song lyric and cliche relates to how u feel. sorry if its a bit much ha, just u need to find something SO strong in emotion, happy or sad, so others can relate and u urself can hav a cathartic experience and it will end up something amazing because u will have no problem writing about it, the words will flow and it will all be real. xx

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