
I need help. please....?

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Well, one of my horses has really bad skin, and has like all this nasty crusty bloody stuff on him, and I've tried everything to get rid of it, and I'm out of things to try, so I'm asking you guys... I have tried MTG, MTG + steroids, steroids, benedral spray and cream, cortizone, anitbiotic ointment, swat, flyspray....etc. It is still there, please help! Thanks guys!




  1. Your vet should take skin scrapings before you try any more treatments. You need to know if there is anything in the environment that is involved, and if so, what it is.  A blood workup should be performed as well, and stool samples should be tested.  Many internal disorders may manifest in the skin, so every possibility should be explored.  I would leave it alone, other than to gently cleanse the crusty areas with sterile saline, until you get some answers.

  2. aww poor guy. Have you tried the Eqyss brand products, they have a shampoo and spray that work pretty well.... but Im not sure since all of that stuff hasnt worked on him :(  

    Have to had your vet to look at him, or maybe get a second opinion from another vet..

  3. Once you've ruled out HERDA if he's a QH, then I'd try an anti fungal.

    I used a wash from the vet and a topical liquid for the body, and a tube of OTC lotrimin for the face/eye area.  If the sores are isolated from eachother, not just one big patch, you can test a little sore to see if it's fungal, before doing the whole area.  You would see results within a few days if it is.

  4. My horse had crusty stuff on his legs.  I scrubbed it daily with Bedadine scrub, rinsed that off then poured a mixture of Bedadine solution and water over it and let that dry.  It seemed to dry it and out enough so I could curry away all the dead skin.  One dry, I treated it with TEA TREE OIL - that did the trick (you can find Tea Tree Oil and most natural grocery/health stores).  

  5. Equiderma

    (its a lotion)

  6. my horse has the exact same thing with his skin.  some horses are just born with bad skin and other horses never have a problem.  for a long time i felt bad putting a breast-collar on him cause his chest looked so bad and uncomfortable.  the owner before me had started to use a cream.  (she kinda abandoned him so i started taking care of him so now we have a really strong bond)

    he still has a problem but it has gotten more under control

    the ointment is called

    horseman's dream

    Aloe Vera Veterinary Cream with vitamins A, E, D, and wheat germ oil

    for use on horses and dogs

    this stuff works really well.  if you life in southern california then go to the broken horn.  it costs $18.35 (pretty cheap for how well it works)


    this is what the container looks like

    good luck

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