
I need help plz ????

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im leaving for summer camp in a week im 15 and i need a packing list with anything seriously anything im a girl and a need a complete list or websites

im gonna also be there with sum friends of mine what wud u take camp is one week long




  1. 3 T-shirts

    2-long sleeved shirts

    2-pairs of jeans

    1-pair of sweat pants


    6-pairs of socks

    Everyday tennis shoes

    1-pair of sandles (teva type prob.)


    1-rain jacket or poncho

    1-pair of wool socks

    2-3- jackets or sweatshirts

    1-stocking hat

    2-pairs of shorts for warm weather

    Nice clothes in case you need to dress up.


    pen and stationary for writing letters/phone card

    sleeping bag

    sleeping pad(if needed)

    small easy to carry pillow

    2-water bottles (nalgenes work well)


    bug repellent


    extra blanket for warmth

  2. Take a sunscreen so you won't get sunburns.

    Also, take bug spray so you won't get bitten by bugs.


    This website is good. it lets you create a list with there help with everything you need to match your holiday!

    You can then see the finished result & print it of. you tick each item of as u get it.

    Hope this helps

    have a good time =]

  4. i would take...

    extra clothes.

    tooth brush.

    swim suits.


    body spray.


    and then a camera to take lots of pictures with your friends ! (:

    hope it helpedd

  5. Why websites? what sort of camp just outside in tents or campfire songs? I would suggest toiletries, if you love music, bring some of that. If you are purposefully going (not parents forcing you) I'd say just bring a toothbrush, TP, feminine hygiene products (just in case), hair stuff, all those goodies, and just rough it the rest of the way (no entertainment). I wouldn't suggest makeup cause that can cause blemishes and scary smear face and such if you take it seriously cause you are gonna sweat. I'd also highly suggest bug repellent, a great amount of clothing (for changes of clothing in case of getting wet or too dirty in a short period of time and differing weather) and also to protect against bugs. Most don't worry about it but bugs can cause a lot of problems, especially if you are exposed to bugs you have never been exposed to and uh oh ur allergic! SPF is also a big thing, if you can combine a repellent and SPF great. If you are of fair skin, pack in on cause sunburn can have deadly results, if you are darker just try not to get hot because heat will affect you internally more (passing out etc trust me I am mixed I get heat rash and pass out if I get too hot) but also don't skimp on the SPF cause even if you don't get sunburned you can still get skin problems. A cell phone is really good because its easy to get lost, and other than that I can't think of anything.

  6. if your seriously gonna be toughing it out heres some comfort items you might want to bring.

    1. baby wipes to clean whatever

    2. hand sanitizer

    3. outdoor towel, not exactly sure what they're called but they are  really absorbant, quick drying, compact towels. you can find at an outdoor store.

    4.toilet paper, unless you dont mind using baby wipes.

    5.tapatio, makes any MRE taste better.

    im in the marine corps so we go to the field alot i never go without these. of course my list does not include essensial gear (550 cord, survival kit, warming layers ect.) if thats what you meant. anyways i hope this is helpful.

  7. umm hope this helps.[=

  8. Here is a link to a camp that provides parents and teens with what to bring to their camp. Hope it helps!

    And have FUN!

  9. deoderant lots and spray because camp make u sweat so u have to smell good hair accessories mabey some posters lip glosss make up flip flops and shoes bathing suit blanket pillow nail polish

  10. well definetly bring the girlie things you need (tampons, makeup), tooth brush/paste, deodorant, bug spray, swim suit, clothes be sure to bring a sweater or jacket for those cool nights, sun screen, towels, just whatever else you need that you know you will be doing at camp.

  11. sweat pants

    flip flops

    running shoes

    sun screen



    misquito cream

    period pads (just in case)

    water bottles

  12. several pairs of shorts, every color t-shirt you can find to go with those shorts, socks, tennis shoes, underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, swimsuit, two big towels, sweater & sweat pants just in case, book of scary stories to read, snacks, snacks, snacks.

  13. - clothes

    - shoes

    - razor

    - hair brush

    - tooth brush

    - tooth paste

    - nail polish & remover?

    - shaving cream

    - pads or tampons

    - swim suit

    - Q-tips

    - deoderant

    - magazines

    - ipod

  14. - Clothing for a week

    - Undies

    - Shoes

    - Pajamas

    - Toothbrush

    - Toothpaste

    - Body wash/soap

    - Washcloth/loofah (whatever you use)

    - Moisturizer

    - Shampoo & Conditioner

    - Hairbrush

    - Comb (wide toothed)

    - Blowdryer and Flat Iron (if you use one)

    - Styling products

    - Makeup

    - Bathing suit

    - Beach towel

    - Sunscreen

    - Germ-X or Purell

    - Bug repellant

    - Tampons/pads (whatever you use)

    - Pillow and pillowcase

    - Set of sheets for a twin bed

    - Aloe vera/sunburn lotion

    - Flip flops

    - Sunglasses

    - Spending money/money for incidentals

    - iPod/MP3 Player and charger

    - Camera and charger (or batteries, whichever it uses)

    - Phone and charger

  15. It depends how long youre going for, but:



    -pillows(2 or 3)

    -sleeping bag or sheets

    -stuff to write letters and a list of friends addresses



    -sneak some tylenol in

    -some cash

    -a camera

    -bug spray


    edit: depending on where you're going to camp, you may not want to wear deoderant (yeah its gross, but everyone at camp smells) because it attracts bugs
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