
I need help potty-training my daughter1?

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She has mastered #1, but is completely unsuccessful at #2




  1. Is she giving you clues? Hiding in the corner, or like my daughter, squatting and grunting where everyone can see her, lol? Watch for the signals and let her know that you think it's time to go potty. Take her in there and either chat if she's social, or get her a new book to read while she's alone, and let her sit there. Keep her busy enough and she will eventually relax enough and do it. Then follow your normal potty party routine, lol. I actually got my daughter to poo in the potty before she would pee, but we had to stop for a while and I"m breaking her from her nightime sippy/bubba, so I want to wait till shes not stressed over that to start again.

    Good luck!  

  2. Pooping in the potty is almost always the hardest to train.  You use the same tactics you did for #1, it'll catch on as well.  I know...easier said than's frustrating.  

    I refused to use pull ups, they're just a diaper without tape and kids can't tell the difference (no matter how proud of himself that boy on the commercial looks)...I bought her panties that had her favorite cartoon on them and then told her Dora wouldn't like to smell that poopy.  She swore she'd never p**p on Dora!! ;)

    No diapers.

    I agree with the other post...panties at home, she'll do it.  Have faith!

  3. when you are at home, let her go without a pamper.  She will catch on in no time.

  4. This is going to sound weird....but the next time that you have to take a #2 take her in the bathroom with you or let her stand by the door and hear and talk to you....when you do your thing and she hears extreme excitement on your face like it is the greatest thing in the world. When you get up do the "poopy dance"...and after the dance say mommy gets a sucker cause mommy went poopy in the toilet.

    And then openly reward yourself with some type of treat that you know she LOVES to have. Say I get a ~whatever her favorite treat is~ because I went poopy in the toliet.

    It works like a charm

    Try not to call the toilet a potty...because 95% of kids call #1 "potty....and so they get confused that the potty is only for "potty".

  5. Have her be partially responsible for cleaning up.  I think it's a time thing.  Just think long term, she'll get it :)

  6. let her run around bottom-less... might have to clean up some messes... but clean #2 off floor is easier than #1 and she should catch the point that the floor is not where #2 goes then try to tell her the potty is the correct place to do that.... maybe even have her use a paper towel or napkin or glove and pick up her messes herself... which she probably won't like and will evenually use the correct facility... 1 is kind of early.... 2 is more normal for girls...

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