
I need help!?????!!!?

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I'm going in for ROTC tomorrow. And like in the Air Guard you cant have your hair touching your shoulders. I tried a ponytail and my hair still touches my shoulders. Then I tried to make a bun and my hair's not long enough. Then I tried to make a ponytail then clip it to my head and my hair's too thick. I go in tomorrow what do i do???




  1. If your hair is long enough to touch your shoulders when its in a pony tail, it will be long enough to put in a bun.  Trust me.  Just like twist your hair and pin it with lots of bobby pins!

  2. Slick and pin?

  3. ok i have a hair style that i wear all the time and its very simple get a big clip if your hair is that thick but not to long or it dosnt work and put your hair in a pont tail then take the pony and put it flat aginst your haed and put the clip around it securing it in your hair in the back of your head and pull the hair that sticks out the back

  4. Brush your hair in a high ponytail, then slick your hair with gel, and wrap it in a bun and bobbypin it to death.  

    If this is too hard pull your hair into a ponytail once and the 2nd or 3rd time you pull your hair thru the ponytail, only pull it halfway, and you will have a pony loop.
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