
I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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im not very attractive because im fat but im just like other guys and dont really want that fat of a girl. im 15 and i know that most of you are going to say it will come in time. well please dont say that cause it makes me mad. but i dont want to cyberdate nether. but i am work on losing weight but im still really lonely and i want an attractive gf. any advice.




  1. Exactly what I eat past (I love your name) says. I'm EXTREMELY un-attractive also, but found someone. Watching Twilight Zone:Eye of the beholder helped me move.

  2. It has nothing to do with your weight. Really it's what matters in the inside. Some "fat" girls are very attractive. And it all depends how you view them, and yourself. If you have a great personality , girls will be attracted to you.

    If you keep to your diet, it made boost your confidence. But you should feel good about yourself, and not say that you are unattractive because you're "fat"

  3. A lot of guys your age go for years without gf's or s*x, even if they are not fat, for other reasons such as shyness or fear, or religious reasons. A lot of people, male and female, are not hung up on fat or skinny, and there are some who prefer a bigger sized love partner. The entire bear scene for g*y males is comprised of large men, either hairy or not, or younger guys that are trying to be a bigger guy. Don't feel as though you have to change yourself for another person- they may be looking for someone who is just like the way you are now. If you want to lose weight for yourself, that is fine, but don't feel like you won't find love without doing so. Hope this helps you some, or gives you maybe a different perspective.

  4. just because ur fat does not mean that u can not find a (not fat) girl...

    it is about what is on the inside...

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