
I need help????????????/?

by  |  earlier

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Ok Befor school ended on night i was texting my best friend he is g*y. And he asked me if i was g*y cause i acted like it and i said i might be bi and he said lets kiss to see if u like it and i goes who cares its a kiss i kissed him it was loike nothing happened then one night he goes lets go out to try it i said ok...hated that so much but pretended i liked it so much to not hurt his feekings then another night he slept over and he asked me if i wanted to do some activities so i said yeah so i was exparementing..we did that then he went telling ppl but now im afraid when i go back to school ppl are going to find out and hate me,,,mean while i regret this so much what do i do. n my friend says im bi and im trying to tell him im staright please help




  1. First of all, its OK. Everyone makes mistakes. There's nothing wrong in experiencing strange feelings. You were just experimenting, which was completely natural. Now you have found out that you are not bi after all. So be totally honest and tell your g*y friend about it and that you never wanted to hurt him. Tell people honestly that you are straight. Have courage and face them. You know that you have not really done anything wrong.

    Just be honest to yourself and everyone else, ok? I know it's a sensitive issue. All the best! ;)

  2. Well you shouldn't have gotten jiggy-with-it with some g*y dude. AND you defiantly SHOULDN't have kissed him either. Now, next time you'll think first won't you?

  3. you should tell him to stop saying those things , and go tell other people that he told and say that he's just saying that for attention  

  4. just don't hurt his feelings! And next time think before acting

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