
I need help quick with my education?

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I'm homeschooled I will be going into 11th grade. This year I wanted to do keystone national highschool. I found out that I can't do it because in order to register you need a portfolio. Something happend to all my test,reports, and essays. So therefore I don't have a portfolio. I don't know what to do I need to enroll into an online high school asap. So if anyone knows of an online highschool that doesn't require a portfolio I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!




  1. If you want credit for two years of highschool, pretty much any school will require some sort of transcript.  Many if not all homestudy programs will want some sort of portfolio to back up your homeschool transcript.  Perhaps some would agree to proficiency tests.  

    You could also ask Keystone if they would make an exception to your unique case and accept some other documentation.  Or you could just breeze through the first two years of highschool a second time.  

    Good Luck :)

  2. Do you have records of your work?  You or your mom should be keeping records of time spent, curriculum used, assignments, etc. for your transcript.  You should be able to send them that for their documentation.  (Not overly familiar with Keystone, but colleges accept it, so they should be willing to...)  Make sure to keep your info current for your transcript - otherwise you will spend hours upon hours compiling stuff for your transcript with college apps.

    Do you have any of your work available, either saved on your hard drive/CD or in written form?  Even if you can't give them a full portfolio, you may be able to give them something.

    If you truly lost all the info (computer completely crashed, house burned down, something like that), you should be able to let them know there were extenuating circumstances, what other documentation could you give them?  If nothing else, you've already done the work once...take a few days, go back through to redo a sampling of what you did (rewrite a few essays, redo some math assignments, lab sheets, etc.) to submit to them.  It won't be exactly the same, but it will be a portfolio of your work.

    Hope that helps!

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