
I need help raising my credit score in a hurry!?

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Will someone let me know what the best way to that is?

I have a few small credit accounts with low balances ($200-$500), should I pay those off and close them out? Any other tips for raising my score would be great. I need to go from 570 to 625 in about 4 months.




  1. Pay them off but don't close them.  They show an extended credit history.  Don't apply for ANYTHING.  Excessive inquiries can also be detrimental.  

    Make sure that you have reviewed your report from all three bureaus and that everything is accurate.  If it isn't you need to get that cleared up right away.

    Patience is sometimes the best thing.  Over time your score will increase.

    Also has some really good info.

  2. well... "they" say- that your not supposed to pay everything off

    the whole point is to have bills and pay them regularly without being late-so dont pay them all off just buy regular stuff you need anyway and pay it off- slowly

  3. If you can pay off all of your charges, do that but don't close all the accounts keep 1 or 2 major credit cards open.  Also, don't charge anything else. Now, if you can't pay off all of your charges at least pay them and bring them current-to-date and don't file for any type of credit because that calls for your credit to be checked and each time your credit is checked it causes your credit score to drop (Didn't Know That Did You? True).

  4. You can use credit repair agency to fix your credit - for example this one - - They can clean lots of such bad stuff from your credit report - and do it much faster than yourself, so your credit will go up fast.

  5. What are you trying to accomplish? What is the reason for your sudden concern? What derogatories exist? The model is built to treat slow pay and other default indicators in relationship to overal history as ell as degree of credit line usage. It's apparent there must be over riding elements you've not mentioned here.

  6. you should go to , they helped me raise my score about 30 points in about a month. i  sincerely believe they would be able to help you a lot.

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