
I need help re: my army son and article 15?

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Son got art. 15 and is serving punishment. Sgt. major is threatening him because sgt wants him OUT of army. What can my son do? Can he be "tried" all over again, discharged, or what? I feel helpless. He is already set to go to a different fort.




  1. Your son had a Chance to demand Court Martial when the Commander read him his Article 15. An article 15 in non-judicial punishment, so he won't have a Federal conviction on his record like he would if found guilty by Court Martial. If your son accepted the Article 15, then he probably knew he did something wrong.

    If your son wants to stay in the Army then he needs to make sure he does his best at every task he is given, is proactive and above all obey the rules of the Army in the form of regulations, SOPs, standards and norms.

    I don't know what your son did to get an Article 15, but typically if the Sergeant Major (CSM) wants a Soldier out of the Army that Soldiers either did something pretty heinous, or he has a pattern of getting in trouble.

    Advise your son to do his extra duty to the best of his ability, and do everything he can to become a model Soldier, and he will probably change the CSM's mind about him if he keeps working to improve himself as a Soldier.

    Basically an Article 15 is the Army's version of parents do all the time: grounding, taking away allowance and privileges, and making them do extra chores.

  2. Sorry to say it, but you are helpless. Your son is in the Army and he did something wrong and against the code of military justice. There is no trial, and if he is serving punishment he probably will not be discharged, especially considering he is PCSing to another post. The best thing your son can do is accept the punishment without getting into more trouble, and take it to heart that he now has to opportunity to change his behaviors so it never happens again.

  3. I've been out for a while, but I'll second what others here are saying... tell him to straighten up.  Whatever he got the Article 15 for is over and done with, but if he messes up again he'll have to face the consequences for that.

    I don't know what your son did for the Article 15, but I don't think it's a good sign that the Sergeant Major (senior NCO for his battalion) to know his name for messing up, much less want him out.

  4. Its a article 15, what kind of punishment could he get?


    Some pay taken away?

    I got more than 1 when I was in, lol.

  5. They can't give you an article 15 for the same offense - they can for another infraction.  As with any situation there are two sides to any story - I hope your son is telling you the whole truth and not just his side of the story.  I am an infantry platoon sergeant and recommending a soldier for an article 15 is something I don't do unless the soldier fails all other attempts for remedial training.  The best advice I can give you is to tell your son to keep his head on straight, do what he is told and be where he is supposed to be when he is supposed to be there.  If his behavior improves the situation will take care of itself.

  6. He can't be tried again for the same offence.

    If he continues to show a pattern of misconduct (keeps getting into trouble) he can be discharged.

    Just tell him to serve his punishment and try to put it all behind him.

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