
I need help really bad. every1 plz help!!!!?

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i have one son who is two. he was an opps. but he is my baby boy. Now me an dmy husband want another child. im getting my iUd removed today and i really want to concieve fast. We have tried before i got it and every neg test would make me cry. we had s*x yeasterday just to make sure that sperm would be there when i get it oue. im going to have my period on the 9th. so should we try to before or after? any one help please




  1. I would wait and talk to your doctor about when you should be able to TTC. He would be able to give u more accurate answers then we could. Good luck and baby dust!

  2. i would also keep track of your fertility. you ovulate about 2 weeks after a period and that is when you should try. theere is a lot of info on the internet about fertility and ovulation, and tools to help.

    Women who want to become pregnant may have their IUD removed at any time. While most women who stop using IUDs are able to become pregnant, IUDs can have negative effects on a woman's fertility. If perforation, embedding, or pelvic infection occurs, the uterus or tubes may become damaged and lower the chance of pregnancy. In cases of severe damage or infection of the uterus, a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) may be required, resulting in permanent sterility. The synthetic hormone in the Mirena IUD can cause a delay in return of menstruation and fertility after it is removed.

  3. Getting off birth control doesnt mean you can have a baby the sec its out. Birth control is great for preventing but when you finially do want a baby and its removed or you stop taking the pill or shot it sometimes takes a while for your body to become normal enough to concieve. With depo some people waited 9 months before they were even able to have a baby. Im sure you wont have to wait that long but I just dont want you to be dissapointed when you try for the first time after recently comming off birth control. Really if you just relax and let it happen it will. Stress isnt going to help, just make your wait even longer. Good luck and lots of baby dust!!

  4. After.  And even if the sperm are there, there won't be an egg as soon as you get your iud out.  Your cycle needs to regulate and it won't be instantaneous.  Good luck!

  5. I had my iud removed on the 13th of august, which happened to be the week of ovulation. I didnt get pregnant that month. But I am trying this month.  I know the feeling, I want to get pregnant fast too. And that isnt the worst part, you feel like your pregnant even though the tests say no. I would keep trying. Chart your next ovulation and go for it during that week.  

  6. It may take several months for your cylce to regulate.  For your best chances, have s*x every other day until you get that positive test.  Good luck!

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