
I need help regarding my mind... pls reply ...

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hi 21 yrs old... my mind has become really sick... i wont do any thing wrong.. but my mind always think something ill.. i know what it is thinking is wrong but still i cant ignore it...i have made something like a good mind and this bad mind of mine...the bad mind thinks all ill.. it disturbs me a lot.. and i am not able to concentrate on things.. this is really a blow... how to overcome this bad mind of mine .. it is real stress because i am always trying to get rid of my bad mind... it s as if the bad mind is someone else and not me at all.. i know this question is a bit weird.. but pls help guys.. my mind is becoming unstable..




  1. Please talk to a doctor.  If it's scaring you, it can't be good.  They can help.  

  2. Dear,

    You wrote 1 big paragraph and just says only one line that Bad mind. I dont understand why dont you people explaine your issues in detail??? When you are expecting the right and the perfect answer then ask the question in detail.

    What kind of thoughts you get & what time. thought on any person ?? if yes why, on him/her?? thoughts on god??? why? etc...


    First thing let me tell ..these kind of thoughts are common in teenage to 22 but you may have more than others.....its ok.

    A small story....

    I challenged a person that he can not stop himself thinking about monkey for the day.  The man taken challenge seriously and whole day try to stop thinking about monkey and the day is over. But he realized that still he has been thinking about the monkey whole day saying to himself that not to think about monkey.

    So the moral of they story is dont stree or take seriously simple things. Its become worse.

  3. change all input to positive, beneficial and inspirational

    modern society is structured for the dismantling of the normal soul

    eat well - sleep well - serve others - you'll notice a swift improvement

    make something of your life, and serenity will fill the span of your thoughts

    if you fail, you'll be like most others, so relax.

  4. 1. Focus on strengths, not weaknesses.

    2. Get some help soon.

    Best wishes, UK

  5. I don't think that there is anything wrong with you except that you are overanalyzing a common function of all human minds.  We all have ill thoughts, but we don't act on them, and that is what really matters.  I think you are overwhelmed by the fact that you are having these thoughts and obsessing unnecessarily.  You just need to stop thinking about how bad your thoughts are and just let them flow naturally.  If you don't have the desire to act on these thoughts, you are fine.  It is probably just the fear that you are capable of such things if you were to decide to act on them that is making you crazy..  You'll be fine.

  6. just make sure you know that what you might be experiencing is more fantasy and if you understand that is what it is - you can then know that you can't do that in reality.  

  7. i strongly suggest u to do pranayama a yoga practice... i do had the same problem but i feel better now ... meditate and u get a focused mind ... if u need some more help mail me.. i am sure u ll have better result in what i have said

  8. Don't think to overcome it.It will make you very difficult.Leave it as it is.

    In vaccum mind only something stores.So think of your future,family and nation.Then no bad things come to your mind.

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