
I need help serving!?

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i need help serving! i cant get my over handserve over the net and are u suppose to hit it with ur fist or ur hand open..... thanks




  1. hand open, that way it's not as easy for the ball to fly off one of ur knuckles or sumthin..

  2. Nobody can really answer this question without knowing some things first:

    1.) Where does the ball usually hit?  

    If it is all over the place you have to work on your mechanics beacuse that means you mechanics are all over the place.  

    If it is in the same place each time...

    a) And starts out higher then the the top of the net then you are either not hitting the ball at the top of your swing but back and not hitting it hard enough  or you are putting too much spin on the ball (which I doubt).

    b)  If it never goes above the top of the net, you are hitting the ball late, meaning your arm is coming down when it strikes the ball.

    2)  Does the ball come off your hand at an odd or unexpected angle? If so you are not hitting it square.

    The best advise is too practice hitting the ball square with an open hand.  I used to do this off a wall.  Once you get the hang of hitting it square, try hitting it over the net.  ALWAYS use an open hand.  

    At first, don't worry about where it goes over the net just concentrate on getting it over.  Keep your eye on the ball when you serve.

    Good luck.

  3. open hand or with a fist really... u really want to do it open handed though bc u have  more cointrol over then ball, you see with open hand you have a flat surface so the the ball is almost always going to go where you tell it, with a closed fist, yes it will go over but often times it goes high and most of the time you dont have very good control. dont toss the ball to high aboveyou then step and smack the ball up and out a little and as hard as you can.. it should sound like a realy loud slap

  4. u r supposed to have ur hand open but start with ur fist and then u get strong enough to hit it with ur hand flat

  5. i serve with my hand open, make ur arm in a L shape not a cooked L shape & you`ll do fine.

  6. to get the ball over the net you have to make sure when you toss it up that its not spinning. also make sure the ball is in front of you. once you do that all you have to do is hit the ball with the palm of your hand. keep your hand open. also make sure your arm is straigt when you hit it. once you get this down it should go over evry time

  7. You are soposed to hit with a open hand because if you hit it with a closed hand it will go everywhere

  8. Show your diamonds!! Open Hand, Pop the ball, don't swing. You don't need a lot of strength just good technique.

  9. Serve with ur hand because other wise u have like no contol over the ball. Do arm workouts u will be able to hit aton farther.

  10. Hey my sis plays collage ball and the best info that I can give you is just to keep your elbow high (above your ear) hit with the palm of your hand and keep it wide And always keep your arm, wrist and hand stiff. p.s. make sure that your toss is low!!!!!!!!

  11. By using an open hand you can vary which type of serve you can do.  When you use a fist you have no real control over the ball.

    The best thing to do is to practice, practice, practice.  Once you gain more strength it will become easier.  You can always do some exercises to gain some more upper body strength... such as push ups and pull ups.  

    In the mean time, try to work on your toss and get your timing down right.  The strength will come with the more you practice and the more strength you get!

  12. 1) dont listen to the people who posted before me cause they must be mentally retarded.

    2) open hand.

    3) make sure you hit the ball at your highest reaching point.

    4) make sure to shift your weight to one foot when you step because that will give you more momentum.

    5) try hitting the ball and NOT swinging through... it will be a really high serve, but once you get better the serve will be closer to the top of the tape.

  13. I used to have a problem with that but my problem was just that i wasn't hitting it hard enough and my toss was off. now i can hit it hard to the back row! just keep your toss high (not too high) and in front of u and pull your arm back further and contact it at your arm's highest peak and swing hard and all the way through (hand should end up by your side) then u should have it down pack! u need to gain alot of upper body strength too so practice. oh yeah hit it open handed. if u use your fist it will go everywhere! lol hope i helped. sorry for it bein so long and so much.

  14. open hand'll have more control.  try taking a couple steps before you hit that way you'll have more momentum.  even the pros miss serves sometimes so don't sweat it.  make sure you are hitting the ball in front of you not behind so you're not leaning back (this would make the ball go straight up...which can be good for short serves).  good luck!!
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