
I need help serving...what are the easiest steps or role plays on how to do it correctly?

by  |  earlier

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* I am on the school volleyball team and i just hate serving...because one day i can serve like fifteen over and the next like O so i need like some advice on how to do it better if someone who is a really good server could tell me how to do it correctly cause i dont think that i am doing it right!!!




  1. you can underhand serve

    or you can serve overhand but when you are serving overhand throw it high enough and throw it in front of  you  also when you are bringing your arm all of the way behind your ear. then with a stiff hand bring it rapidly forward and aim also remember wherever your body is pointing that is the direction the ball is going to go!!! good luck!!! i hop i was helpful enough...

    if you have any more questions ask me at i'll answer right away (well asap)

  2. always follow through with the serve.. make sure ur arm goes past ur head after u serve

  3. It is hard to serve but you just have to keep practising

  4. really the way i got better at serving is i just hand to concentrate and take my seriously make you much more consistent in your serving!!

  5. listen to mittycole she's right i used to hate serving too but now that i'm joining a volleyball team i got a lot better and now i love to serve it's hard but you can get the hang of it

  6. All you do is put the ball in your hand, throw it up but not too far about to your forehead then meet the ball with your hand and spike it over the net.

  7. Make sure that you toss the ball infront of you, and that you throw it high enough.

  8. Hey... this will work...please follow these instructions:

    These are based on a right hand hitter.

    Stand at the serving line with your left foot forward, right foot back.

    Hold the ball in your left hand, out in front of you about 4 inches above your head.

    Take your right hand and hold it about 12 inches behind your right shoulder.

    Hold your hitting hand like a waiter/waitress holding a serving tray with items on it. (Your palm should be flat, facing the sky)

    As you approach hitting the ball with your right hand, lightly throw the ball in the air with your left hand, about 4-6 inches in the air.

    Bring your right hand forward, hitting the ball, while snapping your right wrist at contact.

    You are almost slapping the ball. Feet should remain in place with only the right foot going from flat foot to the heal being lifted.

    Sounds complex, but follow the'll be a pro soon.

    Remember, "s e r v e" the ball, don't crush it!

    Good Luck.. Hit away!

  9. ok I just learnt how to jump serve today at camp!

    with your left foot take a step

    throw the ball up in the air

    take twoo quick steps right then left

    and jump and serve it like serve it in the air!

    omg I did that today and it worked like a dream

    took a girl out lol and also was really hard to

    retreive back to us

  10. Concentrate on where you want to hit the ball. Keep your arm stiff, as you make your approach follow through.

  11. ok, im no expert either, but i love the sport. first, if ur doing a underhand serve, hit it with ur forearm streight. swing ur arm all the way back and hit it as good as u can. now if ur doing a overhand serve...ur gonnah wanna hit it wit the palm of ur hand. toss it high up in2 the air... dont worry... cuz i suck @ overhand serving, but good @ underhand serving.butt i juss keep trying till i get better. GOOD LUCK!!!

  12. ok well when u start to serve u  put ut hand into a fist and it will make it hit harder and faster so just hope you make it over the net

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