
I need help sleeping. ?

by  |  earlier

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lately it seems as though i can't sleep, idk what it is, maybe because i'm too stressed, maybe it's because i always have things on my mind, idk what it is. i'm trying to lose weight and i know that sleeping plays a big role in helping me reduce my weight but the more i think about it the more i can't sleep and i've actually tried sleeping early, idk why i can't. like today i worked out more than i use to and i was hoping to get a good night's rest but instead i'm up and on the pc. any help ??




  1. Lack of sleep can't be good since you will be needing the energy to lose weight.

    You've made this question easier than most by finding a reason why you aren't sleeping.

    I usually find that most people don't  exercise enough and therefore have trouble going to sleep because they haven't used up their energy.

    This obviously isn't the case for you.

    It seems you are thinking too much; worrying, contemplating, or just plain over thinking.

    This is the hardest ones because you just can't stop thinking right?

    It takes a little bit of self control.

    You can try meditating before you go to sleep or putting on a relaxation tape but since most people don't like this then i usually suggest you just write down your problems before you go to bed so there is nothing left to think about.

    Also I hope you aren't eating, exercising or studying/playing games to close to bed time.

    This wakes up your brain/body and sets you into an alert or more energized mood. This is bad especially closer to bed time because you will be more tired and your body may even kick in some adrenaline to help with these things which definitely makes it harder to sleep.

    A few hours before becoming tired or going to bed have your last meal and play a few games to get those last bits of physical and mental energy out of your system.

    This is all that i know.

    Hope it helps.

    Chloe =]

  2. practice meditating

    by blocking all types of thoughts - happy or sad

    it may take some time before u get accustomed to it

    but if it becomes a habit - less than 5 minutes you will fall asleep

    hot milk has only psychological effect

    others suggested not to drink liquids with caffeine

    coffee after 10am

    soda after 2pm

    another is not to stressed yourself or worked out at night 2 to 3 hours before u fall asleep

    but to me this is only psychological

    personally, my best advice is when you come home from work leave everything behind in the office and your mind (time) should be your focus to your family and yourself. same also when you're at work.

    thats the best point when you can have a peace of mind.

    to the religious type, praying could be a source to have a peace of mind. meditating while praying. contemplating. others even practice confessional writing - to write down all your thoughts until you ran out of what to write. others practice meditating while picturing Jesus in their minds until they fall asleep.

    hope this could help - whatever is effective to you..

  3. You've gotten out of the sleep cycle.  Try a few things to reset your sleep / wake patterns:

    - Establish a bedtime routine (e.g., wash your face, brush your teeth, etc. 20 minutes before bed) - every night.

    - Go to bed and get up at the same time each day.

    - Begin to unwind about an hour before bedtime.

    - Do not exercise after 7:00pm; do your exercising in the morning.

    - Turn off the TV in your bedroom.

    - No phone calls just prior to bedtime (conversation stimulates the brain too much).

    - Be certain the room is cool and absolutely dark (no night lights, no glow from a clock, etc.); this starts the melatonin process, which causes you to sleep.  Try not to turn on any lights if you need to rise for any reason (bathroom break, etc.).  Turning on lights will reduce melatonin and increase cortisol (cortisol is what begins the waking process).

    You might want to try some warm milk before bed.  Also lavender is calming, so buy some lavender essential oils or lavender extract and smell them.  You can try passionflower or chamomile tea too.  And try a warm bath about a half hour before bed (put some of the lavender in the water).  You can get some valerian root capsules and take prior to bedtime.... they will ease you to sleep with no groggy after-effects.

    Hope this helps at least a little.  :)

  4. calm down and relax before you sleep. don't be stressed if you have something to do get it done relax. don't try to sleep. and if u can't just  read a book or tell ur self a story. think a bout what/ things you will do the next day

  5. try to go to make some holiday!!

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