
I need help solving a problem at school but i just don''t know what to do can?

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shouuld i go to a diffrent school or get home schooled




  1. it depends what the problem is.  

    talk to the guidance counsellor, he/she may be able to help you out.

  2. what is the problem in order to help we need to know what is wrong

  3. If its really a problem, like you cant solve it then leave the school your at. If you are socialble then go to a different school. If you like being at home and don't like people very much , homeschooling would be the best bet! I moved schools when I was 12 and i made a whole new set of fiends and I never heard from anyone from my old school again , and it was in the same area.

  4. if its not a very serious problem try telling your parents or teachers and see if they can help you out...if its a really big problem, you should homeschool

  5. I find it helpful to sit down and write out what my  problem is with options to fix it.  Then write what's good and bad about each option.  

    When you've finished that,  take it to a trusted adult and discuss it.

  6. It really depends on what the problem is, whether your parents would be able to homeschool you, and quite a few other things you failed to give details about.

  7. If this is a social problem, then you need to stay at the school and work out a solution.  If you can't solve this problem, then how will you deal with employers who are notorious for making working conditions miserable?  If it is a problem with a teacher, then advise your parents and discuss it with both the teacher, guidance counsellor and principal.

    Life is not fair, but it is the only game in town.  Running away will not make things better, it will just postpone them until they get even worse.

  8. Homeschool!  Or more particularly unschool, it's simply the best.

    Good luck :D

  9. Going to a different school might not solve the problem and depending on the problem homeschooling might not fix it either. It may just need to be confronted and dealt with.

    Now, we were having so much trouble with our son in public school that we opted to pull him out and homeschool him even though we didn't know anything about homeschooling and didn't know anybody who homeschooled at the time. It was the best decision we ever made for our family. We have been homeschooling now for three years and are loving it!! You need to weigh all your options and think out all the pros and cons so you can make up your mind as to what is best for you.

    I hope this has helped some.

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