
I need help!! someone please help me!?

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i am going to start cross country in 2 days, and i was suppose to be running the whole summer but their were a couple reasons why i couldn't. 1 is i have asthma so it slows me down a little bit and 2 is its best that i start running at 8 pm but my parents don't fell like going out that late. 3 my road is really dangerous (three people got hit by cars and one of them was my uncle and it was in broad daylight).4 i cant go downstairs on my treadmill because its really humid down their and i cant breath. so do you think they will care about my excuse? and do u think they wont let me stay because of my asthma ?




  1. I'm an asthmatic cross country runner :D It's severe too. They'll take you on the team no matter what [unless you go to a big school and they have tryouts].

    You really should have been makes such a difference! Your lungs as you get in shape will get better. As for the not being able to run excuses. Don't use them, theirs ways around them to still run. Running in the morning [early] is just as good as running at night...only safer. If you wear bright/reflective clothes they'll see you easier. Run with your inhaler in your hand [i do it...makes a difference]. Is it possible to move the treadmill? And if nothing else you can always cross train. Swimming, biking, skating, roller blading etc.

  2. I think they can sympathize with your situation, but make sure you don't fall back on these excuses all the time. As long as they see that you are making a real effort and improving, they shouldn't mind that you start off a little out of shape at the beginning. I can't speak for you high school coach, but I don't think they should kick you off because you have asthma. You seem to like to run and they shouldn't take that away from you because of something you can't control.

    In the future, though, if you can't run, I would suggest doing something like jumping jacks, jumping rope, or some other kind of stationary cardio exercise that will get your stamina up for running.

  3. Look first of all..

    You have to forget about all these excuses. All that matters is that you didn't run. You didn't run, that's all.

    Talk to your coach about your asthma, that's the only thing they'll reallly care about. And really, that's a concern. No, they will not make you leave the team. Of course not honey! Just make sure you have your inhaler with you at all times. Your coach will be understanding and admire you for still joining.

    Lastly, of course you know it'll be rough getting into shape. But trust me, you won't be the only one. good luck!

  4. they will deffinitely care about your asthma, but not to let you down or anything...they wont take that as an excuse as to not running for many athletes have it. however just mention it gets worse when its hot out. (; but try your best not to make up excuses for the rest of the season. tell the coach something along the lines of your asthma really acts up during the summer where its very hot and humid so you didn't get much running in, however you are willing to try your best to catch up with everyone and throughout the rest of the season. you don't have to say this in front of the whole team early. just show up to the first practice early and take time to talk to the coach there.

    they will still let you stay on the team. they need all the runners they can get, and as long as you mention you'll give your full effort and be sincere about it they will appreciate your honesty.

    try to jump rope the next two days. seriously it really gets your heart rate up and you can do it in your own driveway or have your parents bring you to some sort of black top like a  basketball or tennis court thats not being used. 10 minutes uses as much energy as running for 30 minutes, and burns the same ammount of calories. you dont have to do it fast. but it will help to build your stamina, almost as if you ran during the summer.

  5. sure because they always want runners well at least here they do just tell them why and say that you're ready to work! good luck!

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