
I need help <span title="!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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if a snowboard that i just bought has sparkes and its a gray snowboard does that make it a chick board




  1. lol no. sparkes are manlyish. and so is gray.

  2. No, the color and sparkles don&#039;t make it a girl&#039;s board.  Let us know the make and model and we will tell you if it is geared to the female market.  But then again, who cares and long as  you like it and it rides well.

  3. depending, if it has pink sparkes!

  4. not really.

  5. I have a black board with gold sparkles.  It catches in the sunlight, and people (both guys and girls) think it looks sick.

  6. It may be a chick board, but I don&#039;t think that it matters.  if you get to be a kick *** rider, then you can ride anything and just tell people to suck it.  I would just ride it and if anyone asks, serve them in the park.  if you suck just go big and take a hard hit.  if you survive, you are a BA if you die you are a legend.  for  real I don&#039;t think that its a chick board,  the old Ride Kink had a green sparkly top and it was a super park ruler, and still is. have fun on your sparkly board, and have a good season.

  7. board is gray with sparkles...and i bought it in the guyz section...two dayz later i saw some dude with the same;s just the paint

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