
I need help starting a resume. I have no clue what to do.?

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I need help starting a resume. I have no clue what to do.?




  1. Check out - they have a resume building help area.  Also, there are thousands of resume-writing services that exist.  Search out 'resumes' online and see what others do.  Pick a style that you like and format your own resume to a style that fits YOU.  Check out any recruiting service in your area as well - many will help you create a resume if you just ask.  (just make sure that you don't pay for this - there is too much available that is free!)

  2. I used this resume writing service in my area, this is the email address, ( you should try them, it only cost me $35.00 and I got a great job from this new resume, I never thought about the format that they use but the turn around time was less then 24 hrs. I would have to say it was the best service I have ever used and it was worth every dime. Also they let me pay through paypal.

  3. This is a video explaining what you need to do.

    hope this link helps you =]

  4. well for starters I dont think you need one of those really expensive resumes programs... all i did was look up a bunch of examples (for the job i was applying for- RN) and then copied the outline of the one i thought looked the Best! There are a lot of samples on the internet..

    tips: Keep it short and simple... no one wants to read a 3 page resume! Usually 1 page should be sufficient. ALSO make sure its easy to read! You want the intervier to spend time getting to know YOU , not trying to figure out your resume!

    Good Luck!! :)

    p.s. i would start with My Name! :)

  5. If you happen to have Microsoft Works, there is a template available there. Below I listed a few free templates I found quickly online. I'm sure you could type what you're looking for into a search engine and see what they could give you.

    Good Luck

  6. The best thing to do is just starting writing out all of your accomplishments for each job.  After you have them all printed out, take a look at each one and narrow them down.

         When an employer is looking for a new employee, they are looking for someone that is going to save them Time, save them Money, or grow their business.

      Make sure that for your past accomplishments, put numbers and percentages.  Say that you saved the company X amount of dollars, that you increased business by X%, or you brought in X new customers.

      Also, search online for free resumes to get some ideas and then expand from there.  Good luck!

  7. Everyone's resume is different and everyone has unique ways of "advertising" themselves. If you'd like my services, I'd be glad to help.

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