
I need help the child support people are forcing me to get child support i don't want to that hlp me?

by Guest32202  |  earlier

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Me and the father of my two children and one on the way love each other very much but we are young i am 20 and he is 22 i got pg with our Frist kid when i was 17 i turn 21 in October and be fore then i will have 3 kids he is currently not living with us but pays the the mortgage and utility's until i have this baby and can get a job he also sees the kids when ever he wants and can take them where ever i trust he is very good to me and the kids i went and got medical card for me and the children now they are trying to force me to get child support from him he said he is even willing to put them on his insurance for his job and the new baby when it is born and rebus them for anything that he made need to but they still say i have to get him for child support help me how do i stop them from ding that?




  1. It's because you are getting state support the medical. The state really doesn't want to have to pay when some one is able body. What they do is if you apply for any other state assistance they want to be able to go after him for the support for any monies they have put out to help you.  

  2. they shouldnt be doing that.. you can start and stop child suport whenever you just tell them that you guys are still together and you dont want it, and dont give them any info. on him..good luck!

  3. ..... you are the best judge, decide yourself.

  4. Don't know about your state, but in Washington where my ex lives, they just needed proof that I'm providing insurance for my daughter, and my ex needed to sign a waiver.  We've been doing CP for 8 years now without the governments involvement.

    By the way, I also want to say how cool it is of you both that you're still getting along, and that there isn't any major fighting going on.  I hope that lasts for you.  :)

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