
I need help thinking up a lesson plan for preschoolers? It has to relate to pretend dress up/make believe?

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or fairytale?

and an activity too..





    are great websites for worksheets and activity stuff

  2. What they want to be when they grow up....they usually like firefighter, police...and for costumes they can make their own out of construction paper and other simple materials.

  3. Animal science, specifically the food chain.

    You could read aloud to them a short, picture book about once animal hunting another... like 3 Little Pigs or something. While you read, discuss the concept of the food chain. Ask them WHY certain animals are afraid of other animals (teeth to eat them, faster to catch them, etc). Tell them you are going to make your own food chain, but you will need their help.

    Have 5 or 6 index cards with animals names or pictures on them.  Pick volunteers to one-by-one walk to the front of the room and take the card you give them. The first one will be an animal at the bottom of the food chain. Have that person act out that animal.. then let the rest of the class take about 10 seconds to act out that animal themselves.  When the next kid stands up, he will act out how his animal would scare the other animal (warn them that there is NO touching during this game!). Let the other kids at their desks have 10 seconds to act out how the other animal would show it is dominate to the first. Keep going until you get to Human. Help them out with their brainstorming on why the animals are higher in the food chain than the previous ones.

    If you still have more time, have them individually draw a make-believe animal that they think would be the SCARIEST animal, at the top of the food chain, if it existed. Tell them they can make it HUGE, with sharp teeth, as smart as a human, whatever they want to give their animal to defend itself and scare other animals.

  4. A Marching Band. It relates to imagination, movement, and music. I hope that I helped you out a little.

  5. Dress up for career like doctors teachers. then have them tell you what they want to do. teach them about different jobs and have them color!!!

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