
I need help to improve my hurdle times in track?

by  |  earlier

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Well I'm a sophmore in high school and i run the hurdles in track. The 300's and the 110's. My PR's are 18.61 in the 110's and 48.1 in the 300's. I have a really good coach but i need to get my times down to 16.0 and 43.5 to have a slight chance for making state. What can i do? In the 110's i probably could three step but my school is so small that we dont have a track. We practice hurdles with 3 hurdles in a parking lot. But i could 3 step i just dont have the correct surface to prepare on. So that would help a little but i need more.

Someone please help me. I kinda need off season work out tips the most and some in season workout tips.




  1. you can still 3 step regardless of the surface . . . make sure the distance to the 1st hurdle / between the hurdles is accurate . . . move the 2nd hurdle in 4 of your feet, the 3rd hurdle in 8 of your feet and run the hurdles from the start as you normally would . . . 3 steps will be considerably easier but the important part is to develop rhythm between the hurdles and RUN don't lope in between . . . if you can run in between the hurdles and not lope for an entire or most of the race, you can easily drop 2 seconds in no time . . . good luck

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