
I need help to pay my rent in advance?

by  |  earlier

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does any1 know if i can get help with paying my rent in advance as i am on benefits and i have already had a crisis loan off the dwp and dont think i will be able to get another one any1 have any ideas i only have till tuesday.

thanks megan




  1. Friends and family are your only hope.  /

  2. If you are a member of a church or other religious congregation, they may have funds set aside for parishioners' emergency needs.  You would typically approach the minister and explain your problem, including what you have done to resolve it.  

    Keep in mind, that this is usually a one-time deal.  On the other hand, if you're a regular member and they see that you are really struggling, you may find folks that will help you in other ways, (e.g. clothing, food).

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